Chapter 6

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After taking the weekend off, my fever subsided. My cough was almost gone. I could go back to school.

On Sunday, I went down the main staircase and passed three maids. They greeted me. One of them approached me.

"Hello Y/N. What time would you like me to run your bath?" She asked dutifully.

"Eight, please." I told her.

"Lavender bath salts like usual?" She questioned.

"Yes, you do know my preferences, don't you?" I said, laughing politely. I continued down the staircase into the piano room.

It was completely secluded, with a grand piano directly in the center. The walls had been designed to cradle sound and absorb it, causing no echo. It was no doubt my favorite room in the house. Sometimes I would sit on the sofa and read, not even playing piano. But I sat down this time.

Chopin's Nocturne No. 20 in C# minor danced off my fingertips and pirouetted through the room. I loved the sound of this piece, with its slightly icy demeanor, yet an almost warm undertone. The low notes were warm and thick, but the high notes of this song were cold. Father heard me play it once and said it reminded him of me. Since then, I've played the piece more often, trying to translate the tones into more understandable feelings.

The feelings I felt while alone were... unique. Sometimes, I just wanted to run out under the moon and sit under the stars by myself. I felt this quite often, but I suppressed the feeling. It was probably just a phase. Besides, I had too many responsibilities to just run away like that. But the longer I went without an escape, the more pressure was heaved onto me.

Tonight. It will be the night. I will sneak out for the first time in history. I've been planning something like this for years, but just now, I felt the incredible need to execute the half-hatched plans. It just felt right. The feeling was overwhelming. I felt the feeling of rebellion.

I would need to change into something different. Something... black. That rhymed with the song of the night. My gosh, I was already getting excited.

I still had... four hours. I would need to have dinner and after my bath, I could escape. No one checked on me after I went to bed, so I could sneak away without being noticed. But what would I do?

I contemplated this for a while before an indescribable emotion hit me.

I was free.

Free to do whatever I wanted to do. I've never felt this feeling before in my entire life. I always had an itinerary. A strict schedule, decided by someone else. Usually my father.

I retreated to my room, where I mentally made plans on my escape. Most of the maids had Sunday off, so there was another good reason to pick today.

The window in my room could be strategically climbed out of, carefully. The window sill of the below floor's window jutted out enough to keep my feet on it. If I kept my descent like that, using the window sills...

I could escape.

After dinner, I took my bath as planned. When the maids left and Father went to bed, I scampered to my room. I changed into a black and white top and zipped a black hoodie over it. I still had some ripped jeans that I had kept, despite my father complaining that they were too edgy for me. I slid some black combat boots over my feet and zipped them up. I left my H/C hair loose. There. I gazed at myself in the mirror and couldn't believe it.

I was punk. All I needed was some eyeliner, and...

I dragged an eyeliner pencil over my eyelids, darkening my look. I couldn't believe it. I was a completely different person from who I was.

OHSHC Kyoya x Tamaki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now