Chapter 5: In Love?

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"What on earth is on your head?" the receptionist, who I learned some time ago was named Emily, asked.

"What? The flowers?" I asked, "What about them?"

"Why are you wearing flowers on your head?" she asked.

"Because I can," I said, "I'm here to clock out."

She shook her head and wrote in her book.

"All set. Do me a favor and be sure to introduce me to her sometime."

"Her?" I asked, playing dumb.

"The last time you woke up with flowers braided in your hair, you nearly killed the two reapers that did it," Emily said, smiling, "So it must be a really special lady who's caught your heart. Especially since you swore no one would touch your hair again without losing their hands."

"Nothing special at all," I said, "She's just a woman, so I could have easily overpowered her if I wanted to."

"Now, calm down," she said, "I'm just saying, I've never seen you listen to anyone's request."

"Well, I did once, now that's enough," I said, turning on my heel and leaving the building. I went straight to my house to avoid being seen by anyone else. Why didn't I just take the stupid flower crown off my head? Instead, I'm creeping around like a stalker ducking behind trees as I go home. What the hell is wrong with me? 

I leaped into my house and slammed the door before marching upstairs to look in the mirror. I opened the door to my bedroom and looked in the full length mirror that sat dusty in a corner. I brushed it off, sneezing twice, and then backed up to look. Adding a splash of color to my outfit; black slacks, white dress shirt, black tie, and grey hair, the flower crown of red roses with vibrant green stems sat on my head and I noticed the three slender braids in my hair. I took the crown off my head and tossed it on my bed and reached to undo the braids. My fingertips froze on the braid I grabbed. I didn't really want to take them out. I picked up the flower crown and set it on my dresser then laid in bed. What am I going to do about this? 

Then it hit me. We never specified a place and time to meet. I felt so stupid. I was usually so much more put together. I would never have missed such details. What is this woman doing to me?

I ran my fingers through my bangs. Should I just go back to the cemetery at the same time tomorrow? What the hell is wrong with me? I know exactly where she's staying. I just need to go the church and ask to see her. It's so stupidly simple. That should've been first thing to come to mind. I took off my boots and fell asleep almost instantly. Reaping was more work than we made it look.

I woke up at around noon. I had until six before I had to start working. I jumped up, put on my boots, and ran down to the receptionist desk.

"Hey, Emily," I panted.

"In a hurry?" she asked.

I stood up straight and controlled myself, "Not at all. Listen, if I'm not back to clock in, just clock me in and assume I'll be working."

"Alright, you haven't let me down yet," she said, "See you later."

"See you." I waved and ran to the portal. It was pretty early in the day and I admit, a young man with long grey hair did catch people's eye. I just shrugged off the strange or admiring looks from men and women and made my way to the church.

I knocked on the door of the church and it was opened by a nun.

"How may I help you, good sir?" she asked.

"I'm here to speak with (Y/N)," I said.

"Lady (Y/N), and she is being cleansed of the touch of an unclean male," she said, "Please take your leave."

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