Chapter 4

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"We believe you." Harry said after having a silent conversation with his parents.
"There are some things that I need to explain. I'm sure that your parents, maybe even you, won't be too happy about this." Snape warned.
"Just say it, best to get the cat out of the bag as soon as possible," Ashley said.

"Before you were born, a war was going on in our world. A man, with suprematist ideas, started gaining an enormous number of allies who followed his lead blindly. He believed that only those who were born from old magical lines and two magical people were supposed to live. For the record, those people are called purebloods, those who are born from a muggleborn or muggle and a magical user are called half-bloods, like your son A muggle is a non-magical person. Those born from muggles are called muggleborns and if you hear another word being said then it's a slur meant to insult your origins."

"It looks a lot like the prejudices against black people, does it not?" Ashley said.
"It is very similar. Unfortunately, the prejudice is fomented by a bad education on muggles. Muggle Studies is only an elective class and students usually join because it's easy. They don't know anything about modern technologies, they are still stuck at carriages and horses." Snape explained.
"That's... I hope that someone changes the course." Harry said.

" Anyways, your father, James Potter, was part of our version of the police while your mother, Lily Potter was studying to get a degree in one of our most important subjects, Charms. She wanted to become a teacher." He said before pausing a little "This man, we call him either You-know-who or he-who-must-not-be-named, attacked your house on Halloween night. There was a spell used on your house so that no one knew the position. Your position was compromised as your godfather, Sirius Black, worked for You-know-who. Your father was killed first, your mother followed and he tried to kill you. It didn't work as the spell rebounded destroying himself. You were one year old. And now you are known as a hero in our world."

"Oh bollocks. I knew that something was going to happen. How is it possible that a toddler defeated a grown wizard without doing anything?" Harry said after a long silence.
"Language, kid. And I agree." Ashley said patting her son's head.
"No one knows how it happened as there are no witnesses" Snape answered.
"I hope that your school is safe, yeah? Because I won't send my son to get hurt." Estella said looking completely different from the smiling young woman image she was portraying before. She looked downright dangerous.
"Of course Ms. Stevenson. Hogwarts is the safest place in our world, not counting our bank. Also before I forget these are the keys to Harry's vaults. This is his biological mother's, the three others are from your father. They are yours by right and you will get two more after you come of age, on your 17th birthday along with inheriting the Potter title."
"You mean title? As in noble title?" Ashley asked slightly awed.
"The Potters are one of the oldest noble lines of our world, they originate from the union of the Peverell and Griffindor houses whichdate back to the Holy Roman Empire. The Potter house is one of the pillars of our Parliament, the Wizergamot."
"Cool," Harry said.

"I will be accompanying you to buy your supplies along with some books and pamphlets that will help you understand our world. It may be today if you so wish, or we can schedule another date. It is dangerous to send you without a guide." Snape said.
"Let me get my shoes and Harry's staff," Ashley said, "give me five minutes and we can go."

They went to get the supplies and Harry was awed. He couldn't see the greatness of the alley but he could feel the magic in it. It was wonderful and Harry loved it. It was packed with people and an enormous amount of colours followed every moment of his visit. He got all his supplies along with an enormous amount of books already translated into Braille thanks to a handy spell professor Snape knew. He also got a snowy white owl and he named her Hedwig, as well as a guide dog, Odin.
His wand was not a real wand. His staff was converted and upgraded by Mr. Ollivander, using the materials tuned with his blood. Phoenix tears, Basilisk venom, and Elder wood.

Harry spent the rest of his summer going over all his first-year books as well as reading and studying the others he bought. He was informed that he wasn't to participate in flying lessons, along with practical potion-making and defence as they were dangerous for him. He was, instead, given other more advanced theoretical books, in addition to his textbook.

All too soon it was time to depart and go to Hogwarts. He took Hedwig and Odin, with him and as they reached the station he cried in his mother's arms, before finally boarding the train.

He was ready for this new adventure.

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