Chapter 1

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New chapter!
So as you can see, I will update every Sunday.
Have a good day!


Freak woke up in the most comfortable bed he ever felt. It was soft and fluffy and there was a comfy blanket over him. He could hear a constant beeping sound. Maybe he was dead. His uncle would never allow him to be comfortable and maybe, just maybe he didn't deserve it.

He tried to open his eyes but wasn't able to. He raised his hand to his face and felt one of those fabrics Aunt Petunia used when Dudley got hurt. 'Bandages' if he remembered correctly. And then he remembered what happened. The bacon, the pan, and then Vernon. His breathing started to quicken as panic took over.

He heard the door being opened and quick footsteps. The person was standing next to him.
"Harry? Do you remember me? I'm Joanna, the doctor you met yesterday." The woman said kindly. But who was Harry? Maybe it was some other doctor or nurse. His confusion meshed with his fear making him panic even more.
"Harry? Can you hear me? I need you to breathe with me okay?" He nodded. Maybe he was Harry. But Freaks like him do not deserve names right?
"Okay now. Breath in, hold it as much as possible, I know you can do it. Now breath out. Good, very good, Harry. Now we do it again okay?" And Joanna helped him breathe. He felt the panic slowly withdraw.

"Very good, Harry! I know that it is difficult but you were brave. Be always brave to defeat your fears, okay? Do you feel better?" Joanna asked him. Freak nodded even if he felt confused.
"Do you want to ask me anything, Harry?" Freak felt like trusting her. She didn't hit him yet and she was being kind. He nodded.
"Who-who is Harry?" He asked. His voice was raspy and his throat was dry but he managed to say it.

Joanna felt her heartbreak. In her 30 years of experience, she had never met a case like this. Those monsters did an amount of abuse that was difficult to see even in adults abused during all their childhood. He was only five and he would have died in less than a year with that amount of untreated injuries. Fortunately, a neighbor called the police after hearing shouts from the house. They came just in time.

"You are Harry, sweetie. Harry is your name." She told him while raising a glass of water to his lips. The boy was malnourished, he had brittle bones and bones that healed badly, he never took a single vaccine and the concussion in his head was worrying. Moreover his eyes... There was only a 5% possibility of him recovering full sight and 20% of being able to recover enough to see shadows.

"I deserve a name even if I am a freak?" He asked after drinking the water Joanna offered him.
"Oh, Harry. You are not a freak. Whatever those people told you is not true. You didn't deserve any of the pain that they caused. You deserve to be loved and taken care of like every other child. You are not a freak." Joanna said as tears started to wet the bandages.
"May I hug you, Harry?" She asked the little boy she came to love in so little time.
"Y-yes" He answered opening his arms.

They sat, hugging each other as Harry cried. Joanna was trying to comfort him whispering sweet words and promises of a better life.
And Harry believed her.


The next few days were confusing to Harry. The bandages on his eyes were changed constantly and he was required to take many pills every morning. He took everything they gave him because then Joanna and Mary, his new nurse friend, would compliment him and say that he was a good boy. They gave him food three times a day plus a snack every time he took the nasty medicine for his bones. At first, he was scared that the food would be taken away and that it was a joke but Joanna assured him the food would never be taken away from him. He calmed down after that.

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