Who Will Be The Judge!?

Start from the beginning

Something was off, he could feel it. They're was a weird vibe in the air, something that wasn't due to the suffocating crowd he was pushing through. And as soon as he got to the top of the stairs, his suspicions were confirmed as Jojo suddenly staggered and fell. A gash appearing in his leg seemingly out of nowhere blood running down his calf as the ground moved from under him.


Shit, (Y/N) thought, He's going to break his fucking back. Fighting the urge to run after him, he watched with wide eyes as Jotaro fell directly into one of the trees to his side, barely harmed, sitting upright hanging off a couple of branches in a dazed state. His knee was still dripping blood as he straightened himself out causing the other boy to finally move from his spot and run down the stairs after him.

"Are you alright Jojo? Are you okay?" clearly he had been beaten to it by a pretty girl shoving her face close into his arm.

"You're lucky, a few more inches and you would had hit stones."

"Let's hold hands next time you go down, Jojo. Just to make sure!"

His stoic expression didn't seem to change, not seeming to even pay any mind to the large cut in his knee. Just the sight made (Y/N) cringe, knowing he would have been on the floor crying in seconds if that was him. Quickly he grabbed his bag, going to root out something for him to mop up the blood with, maybe he could even get in a few words with the guy he obviously had a crush on.

But before he could even get anything out, he was once again beaten to it buy someone else. Not one of the girls, but a tall boy with pink hair he'd never see before. Offering out a pristine handkerchief with a flourish, "You... Your leg seems to be bleeding. Use this to clean yourself up. Will you be all right?" 

There was a moment of awkward silence as they seemed to size eachother up, weary glances being exchanged between the two before Jojo spoke up.

"Yeah.. it's not too deep," the pink haired boy turned to leave, "Hold it. Thanks. I don't recognize you, do you go to my school?"

"Noriaki Kakyoin," he paused shaking his head, his cherry shaped earrings moving slightly due to the movement, "I just transferred here yesterday. Nice to meet you."

He left just as quickly as he had arrived, pivoting on his heel and heading towards the school at a lazy pace as if he had all the time in the world. Silence once again took over as everyone paused watching the boy go, leaving the girls to debate who their alliance was truly to. The pretty stranger seeming to be a true contender to Jotaro's popularity.

Taking this as his chance to step in, the (H/C) boy moved to stand in front of his crush, a concerned look on his face, "Do you need to go to the nurse? I don't have anything first lesson so I could take you there," maybe he would even get to talk to him a little more.

"Fine," there wasn't even a slight limp in his step as he made is way to school.

Quickening his pace, (Y/N) ran to catch up, taking his short response as a yes to the question, happily leaving the girls standing there still shocked. He fought back the urge to fist pump the air, he'd done it, he had actually gotten the nerve to talk to Jotaro. He was so cool and now they we're walking to the school nurse together. That was almost a whole five minutes of walking together!

"Jojo, don't tell me! You got into a fight again?" the nurse sighed signalling for him to take a seat by the nearby chair, "(Y/N) how about you take a seat too please, just so you can walk him back to class and make sure he doesn't get into anymore trouble."

"Come on teach, has Jojo ever gotten hurt in a fight?" one of the boys skiving in the nurse's office said.

"Yeah think about it," the other added.

Starry, Starry Night (Stardust Crusaders x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now