Chapter 25- Forever

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My throat goes dry as I listen to the familiar, poisonous voice on the other end of the phone. I blink quickly, repositioning in my seat, scared to move a muscle.

How does he know where I am?

"Oh, Louis, my love! How are you?" the voice coos into the phone, causing my hands to go numb.

"D- David-" I manage to squeak out, my voice cracking in terror. An evil-sounding, devious chuckle rings in my ear.

"Oh, darling! It's just like old times! All you can manage to cry is my name!" he says, laughing heartily, obviously very proud of his joke. My face heats in anger and my grip tightens on the phone.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME, DAVID?!" I sob into the phone, tears welling up in my eyes. "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH MY SISTER?!" I add, my cheeks growing wet from the tears running down my face.

"Louis, don't cry, my love! Your sister is doing just fine here with me. A very well behaved little thing! As you always were," he mutters, his devilish smile almost audible through the phone. I try my hardest to remain calm, taking deep breaths and gripping tight onto the steering wheel with my right hand.

"David, let Lottie go."

A loud laugh bursts into my ear, making my insides twist and turn.

"And why should I do that?" he asks, his voice stained with confusion. "You are with someone who I do not approve of you being with... so, why not put you in the same position?! You obviously do not like Lottie being in my possession, so what are you going to do about it then, love?" he asks quietly, his cold voice sending shivers down my spine. I close my eyes tight as more tears spill down my cheeks.

He is trying to make me choose between Harry and Lottie.

"Would you like to talk to your sweet, little sister?" he asks as I hear the phone rustling around and the muted cries of my sister.

"LOTTIE!" I scream, my heart racing in my chest.

"LOUIS! LOUIS, PLEASE!" I hear Lottie yell back in a muffled voice, sounding extremely panicked.

"LOTTIE! I'M COMING TO GET YOU! I PROMISE!" I sob, as the phone is rustled around again.

"NO! NO! NOO!" my sister cries in the background, causing me to completely lose it.

"DAVID, PLEASE!" I scream loudly. "I'LL DO ANYTHING!"

"Oh, will you?" he hisses with a quiet chuckle.

I sob silently, covering my face with my hand. My heart aches with an overwhelming pain that feels as if it may never go away. I know David, and he's not going to budge. He is going to make me choose between my sister's well-being and my relationship with Harry. And what hurts the most is the fact that I know exactly what I have to choose.

I am so sorry, Harry.

I take a deep breath, trying to regain my concentration as I put the keys in the ignition. My heart feels as if it is being stabbed as I twist the key and the car rumbles to a start.

One step closer to Lottie.

But now, one step further from Harry.

I shakily put the car in reverse and sigh as a tear drips down onto my lap. I grip the steering wheel tight with one hand and look up at my reflection in the rearview mirror. My eyes are puffy and red, while my face is a raw shade of pink.

I am the definition of miserable.

"David," I begin, choking on a sob and swallowing hard.

"I'm listening, baby," he whispers in response. I take a deep breath, filling my lungs completely with air before releasing all of it slowly. Every breath I take makes my chest grow tighter in agony.

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