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Can't you see that I'm the one
Who understands you?
Been here all along
So, why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by and waiting at your backdoor
All this time how could you not know, baby?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Harry's POV

Louis has another football game today. It's the finals. I go in my normal sweatpants and sneakers. I'm excited to see him play again. I'm not excited to see him kiss his girlfriend when it's over but it's fine, I'll bear with it.

When I get there, most of the seats are covered in red and white, which are our schools colours. The other school is fucking going down.

The game was so good. Louis was very sweaty and hot and I am gonna imagine that during my next heat. We won 5-1 (I don't know if that's realistic or not but we're gonna go with it) and Louis scored 3 goals. He's so good at football, no wonder he's the captain.

When he's done getting congratulated by his team mates, he went towards Eleanor but plot twist she was snogging with the goalie. I saw Louis drag her away and start going off on her. I couldn't hear them but she seemed to be defending her self, which I don't really get. I mean why are you cheating in the first place bitch.

Why can't he see me. Why doesn't he notice me anymore. It doesn't matter because I'll still wait for him forever.


There is probably only 2 more chapters but I hope you liked this.


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