Chapter 2~ To the Adventurous Journey

Start from the beginning

"oh! Two demigods happen to be in the vicinity! Oh no it's those two," Hades grumbled his mood seeming to dampen.

"What two?" I asked trying to keep up with the conversation.

"Leo West a son of Zeus and Archeezus Keye son of Apollo"

"Are they together because of a relationship or because lightning and arrows are a deadly combo?" Percy asked.

"Actually it's because Archeezus is the only person levelheaded enough to work with Leo.

" Huh? Isn't there a son of Poseidon chaotic enough to keep him in check?" Percy asked.

"He's busy with his own problems. Being a child musician is hard enough"

"Child musician!? Wow I should hear him play--" Percy started.

"Okay so two demigods are coming over. Got it. What do I need to do to get them to let me come along with them?!" I demanded.

"Pretty sure it should be fine if you ask" Percy commented dryly.

"Well there's always one useless guide in every anime so I can't be surprised." I muttered. I picked up my phone and MP3 player. As well as earpieces. I'm not going anywhere without my music.

"Ah children!" Hades called looking toward the sky where two lean teenagers were jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Hades got their attention as they were about to jump off and the one with cobalt blue streaks in his hair yelped as he fell off the roof. The one carrying a bow and arrows was wearing a red full length leather coat managed to not move except to look at Lord Hades. He must have been Archeezus.


The two boys shared a look that had a hidden message. Leo probably thought something along along the lines of "what luck!" Archeezus on the other hand glared at him with a deadpan expression, one that said "let me do the talking or I'll impale you with my arrows"

"I see so you want us to help your son. That can be arranged. We were after all on our way back to HQ. It's about a five day journey from here. He will need to inform Chiron and properly register so we have a up to date full list of all the currently active demigods" Leo remarked while Archeezus put a hand on his chin. His eyes closed made him look deep in thought.

"There's no reason we can't accept. I could use the additional back up since Leo has a knack for getting into tight spots." Archeezus decided.

Leo chuckled nervously and Archeezus smiled and opened one of his eyes so it almost appeared that he was winking. His tanned olive skin seemed to compliment his teal colored eyes.  I couldn't help but wonder where he got purple hair dye on the sides and back of his head. His hair in general reminded me of a Mohawk style since the sides were shaved down so they were shorter than the spiky middle hair which looked a bit tosseled as if whenever Leo did something foolish he ran his hands through his hair.

Leo on the other hand grinned. "Yes! a new teammate!" Leo had spiky hair as well but his was longer and it was black with two blue streaks in the front. Leo had a scratch going down his face as if he'd been cut with a curved sword. Leo was way more tan, like he spent a lot of time at the beach which probably meant he got his laughs from causing sudden thunderstorms if that was indeed the case.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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