Origin of the red scarf

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It was his last day in Liyue and there was no sign of that bastard. Good. He thought.

Sure, they were in good terms before, but after his betrayal, Childe thought it would be better not to interact with him and just stay low. But how can he stay low? The Liyue Qixing was already on his trail, so he better leave as quickly as possible.

But he couldn't help it. He really wanted to see him.

Childe packed his things early the night before his departure. He hesitantly looked everywhere, but the brunette was nowhere to be found. He searched the places they used to hang out- Wanmin Restaurant, Xinyue Kiosk, Bubu Pharmacy, then at Guili Plain.

Why Guili Plain, you may ask? Well... Childe did not want to recall. The first time Zhongli brought him to that place was unpleasant to remember because he once joked that the place was pretty dead. By which he meant, there's nothing to kill. Zhongli took it the wrong way and Childe could feel those piercing dragon eyes at the corner of his eye. He immediately explained to Zhongli what it meant and released a sigh of relief once the archon finally understood.

They would go there every Monday of the week to offer glaze lilies in a certain tomb and each week Zhongli would share a piece of information about its history. That was how he learned of Zhongli's 'best friend'.

At that point, Childe was curious to know about this 'close friend'. Zhongli's face was brimming with joy as he recalled those moments while Childe just stared at the man with their food untouched in the restaurant. He regretted asking but he was so overjoyed seeing Zhongli smile that he couldn't resist to wish it were him. Wait what?! Hold that thought.

Childe's cheeks were as red as roses. He shook his head from the memory and continued to walk back to Liyue Harbor. He got back as the sun was setting in the west, bringing his belongings with him towards their ship. Before he could even step inside, a gentleman walked towards him and called out his name, "Wait, Childe".

The ginger was taken-aback and halted. Just as he was about to forget about it, that same man he looked everywhere for showed up.

His heart could not stop beating furiously.

It felt like a long time had passed since they last met, when in fact it only has been a day.

He took a deep breath, bracing his heart the moment he turned to face the man. It was none other than the person he was aching to see. The ex-archon who lied and manipulated the situation for him who almost wiped out the entire nation of Liyue. He did not want that. He had no other choice but to bait the archon from hiding. It was stupid of him to endanger the people and especially to innocent children. He wanted to punch the man for faking his identity. Those days of eating lunch together and walking alongside the harbor every night with the stars shining in clear skies were just a big hoax for his plan all along.

He was at a loss of words, staring down at the man in his brown dresscoat, hair swaying in the cold sea breeze. Zhongli walked closer to Childe, holding something which seemed like a folded blanket, wrapped in brown parchment.

The Harbinger looked at the archon's amber eyes, glowing more beautifully in the sunset. His features kissed by its sunrays and ponytail swaying back and forth in the wind. Childe had a distant look in his eyes. He couldn't show Zhongli his true intentions.

He must hold himself back.

This was ridiculous.

He gathered all his courage to speak, but Zhongli interrupted and spoke in a hurried tone, "Take this and farewell".

Rushing back towards the Parlor without any explanation, left Childe dumbfounded. He walked pretty fast for a guy who always sits and drinks tea. 

Are you kidding me? I looked everywhere in Liyue just to find you and now you show up for 5 seconds and gave me something that looked like a piece of rag wrapped in paper?! Childe thought as he bit his lip in anger and refrain himself from cussing out loud.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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