Jackets - Thursday

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This day falls on an A-day. Meaning that PE, English and Science was the agenda. I got to school and saw Sigma and a student I recognize as Fyodor. "Hi Sigma!" I said. My plan is to just say hello to him and his friend and leave but I was stopped. "Ah. You must be (Y/n)?" The raven haired man said. "Hi (Y/n)" sigma said. "Yeah... that's me. You are Fyodor?" "Correct. You know of me? Either way, I've heard about you. Your club's choice for the festival was successful I'm assuming?" "Well we have a class together, how would I not. Our club did well, what did your club do?" Fyodor looks at Sigma for a split second before sigma spoke "(Y/n), this is Fyodor Dostoevsky, the president of my club." "Oh... So you were the ideologist behind tea and books." "That would be me." "A shame I couldn't visit-" The bell then rang cutting our conversation short. "I need to go. See you Sigma! Oh, Bye Fyodor!" I said before running off before responses could be heard.

"It's a Freeday. Do as you please." "Thanks sensei!"

Chuuya and I are just sitting still. Doing nothing. I'm just trying not to think about yesterday. Im failing to do so.

"Your jacket. Can I have it?" Chuuya said out of the blue. "Oh. Sure." I folded the jacket and handed it over. "Thanks" he unfolded the jacket to just roll it up and place on the floor. His jacket was laid out right next to mine. Internally screaming when the jacket touched the floor I spoke.


"I need to sleep. Couldn't last night."

"Why?" I asked, still staring in disbelief at the poor, now dirty jacket "No reason." He then laid his head on my jacket, aka- pillow, while his jacket acted as a sheet for his shoulders and neck.

I got up to relocate but before I could take a step Chuuya kicked my leg

"Where are you goin?" "Ow but okay. I was GOING to block you from Coaches line of sight. But I can always change plans. Where do you want me to go?" "Tch. I thought you were going to leave. Just do what you want." "I thank you for your permission."

Time Skip

"You aren't that bad at English." "I'm not bad at anything" a blonde guy in a hat says to a girl with minty blue hair color... 'I thought hats are illegal in school.'

"Class! Time for a note check since the test is next class. I'll be walking around now." Mr. Fitzgerald says.

He eventually got to gin. "I hope this note taking style is something you understand." He said, to which Gin just nods. I guess Gin's notes really are just key words that only she would get.

He glanced at my book, looked through it, "(Y/n)... okay." Then he walked off. Very underwhelming and quite nerve wrecking. I know my notes aren't perfect but "okay" is ALL I get??

Time skip

I took my seat in Dr. Morí's class while putting my legs on the seat in front of me. I put my head down since Morí wasn't there yet, then suddenly a jacket was thrown on my head and my legs pushed off the chair. I took the jacket off immediately and looked up to see the back of Chuuya's head.

"Well excuse me." I whispered while thinking of a way to throw the jacket on him

I ended up just standing up to tie it on his head.

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