Confrontation - Wednesday

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I ran to bed immediately after telling my mom that I was drained.

My face is felt red and thoughts are out of control.

'He was really close, smelled good, voice was husky, and is always handsome... was he trying to seduce me?? But... what was up with the question? He asked but it didn't look like he believed my answer.' I banged my head on my pillow and started to rethink the whole interaction.


"Do you like Akutagawa?"

He put his hands on my shoulder and looked at me in the eye. I knew I was still blushing because of his close proximity so I tried to look away. But he only asked it again. "Did you fall for him?" "No. Why would you think that?" I asked. Genuine confusion on what could give him that impression. "You go out of your way to interact with him and apparently hug him? I've never see him hug anyone so that's a shocker." "Oh... I go out of my way because I have no classes with him. If I don't then I won't be able to interact with him. I don't have to with you because I see you a lot. In classes and after school." I say, trying to avoid eye contact but also see how he reacts. He then looks away again and steps back. "I see. Well. I gotta go. Forgot to do something." "Oh. See you tomorrow." I said before the door closed behind him.

Chuuya's POV

'Do I have no chance? Her face was red ever since I brought him up. She called him "my precious akutagawa." Talks about him sometimes when she's with me. Like with his damn notebook. Asked for him to help tutor her and hugged him... it seems like their relationship has progressed while ours stayed the same... I'll see how Akutagawa feels about her and then plan my next move. I hope to god that he doesn't like her back... does that mean I'm wishing for her heart break? No, I'll help. It's not like I'll leave her to her grief, I'll definitely help...'

I knocked on the Akutagawa residence and Gin answered. "Hello." She nodded and let me in.

"I'm here to speak with your brother. He available?" "BROTHER!!" She screamed. 'What the hell?! She can raise her voice?' He walked out and greeted me. "Chuuya-san. What brings you here?" "I'd like to speak with you in private." "I see. Shall we speak outside?" I shrugged in response and followed him out.

"It's about (Y/n)." I said immediately, in a low voice. "Has something happened with her?" "Do you... Okay. Simple and too the point. Do you like (Y/n)? Romantically, I mean." His eyes widened in response and he looked to be in shock. I never wished so much for my assumptions to be wrong in my life. "That certainly surprised me. I have no idea how you came to this conclusion, but I can assure you, (Y/n) is seemingly only for you. I have no such feelings towards anyone at the moment." A breath I had no idea I was holding was released. "Oh." "Was that all?" "Yeah... wait. 'Seemingly only for you'?" "I was able to pick up on your peculiar behavior towards (Y/n). Gin and I spoke and have come to the conclusion that you like her."

'How in the hell did AKUTAGAWA pick up on it?! If he did... everyone, no doubt, knows... Dazai. Does Dazai know? No. He'd never leave her alone. F*ck that, he'd NEVER leave ME alone.' "I'll leave you to your thoughts if that is all. See you tomorrow." I hear akutagawa say before I hear his faint and light footsteps carry on to his place. 'Is it that obvious? That's impossible since I don't act any different...? Whatever. I don't care. I'm going home and going to bed to forget all of this.'

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