CHAPTER 7 (the music is too loud)

Start from the beginning

She licked me, touched me however she wanted and I was powerless to her assaults I could just hold tight and pray that everything would be over soon.

Her moans disgusted me but the one I was most disgusted with was myself. How my body reacted with her stimulating me, how I couldn't control my orgasm.

I prayed to god and braced for her climax and when she kissed me after finishing, I passed out completely.

⚠️Tw: over

I woke up squinting my eyes trying adjust my eyesight. I groaned and saw I was naked and on an unknown car. Then the memories came back to me one by one. I just put my pants on and started running. I didn't know where I was going. I don't know why I was running but I was.

Tears started to pool in my eyes I'm fucking weak can't even stop a small girl. Maybe I wanted it. Maybe maybe I even liked it. No matter how many times I tried to convince myself that I enjoyed it, I couldn't. Her disgusting sounds of pleasure were filling my head.

I don't know how long I was running for but I arrived at the institution. My whole body was drenched in sweat and cum of the previous day. I smelt like shit. My feet were bloody and have blisters, I couldn't show my face to the boys, they'll think I'm extremely weak and pathetic and useless.

What grown man lets a girl overpower them. I was pondering going inside when I saw Ace coming outside. I had no choice now. I just ran inside not bothering to answer any of the questions thrown in my way and locked myself in the bathroom.

I scrubbed and scrubbed my body till it was red. I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned but I still felt dirty. My tears that had stopped began pooling in my eyes.

I couldn't stop thinking. I wish I could just tell my brain to shut the fuck up. I had to just man up and deal with it. Why can't I do that. I... I can't. Fuck.

My thoughts were taking a very dark turn when I heard knocking from outside.

"Hey Dalton? Are you okay there ?" Prince asked his voice filled with concern. He wouldn't be this concerned when I tell him what happened he would laugh at me they all would. I'm just pathetic why can't I do one thing right in my whole life.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. Would you mind leaving me alone for sometime." I said with enough calmness I couldn't muster up. He let out a non committal ok and I heard retracting footsteps.

After a long time of scrubbing my skin I went to my bedroom, locked the door and burrowed myself deep inside the blanket and began thinking the scene over and over again. Torturing myself but I couldn't stop.

I finally slept in the corner of the bed after I was too tired. When the woke up the sun was down and I'm in no way shape or form feeling better. I just wanted to die.

There was a knock on the door again, this time I didn't even bother answering. I know I'm pathetic no need to rub it in my face.

"Dalton open the door, you should eat something. Dinner has already passed. Come out now" Midge said with his soft voice. After calling like this for sometimes he went away. Good I just want to be alone.

"Dalton open the door baby. Come on." Ace's powerful voice rang out.

When I didn't open it. He started to call again " Dalton love if you don't open this door I'll just sit outside and wait for you to open it. Do you want me sitting here for the whole night?" I shook my head but still made no move to open the door.

After about an hour I opened the door and Ace was there facing the door, sitting with his eyes closed. I couldn't control my tears. I let out a chocked sob and jumped onto him. He was startled but still caught me. I wept holding his shirt. I burrow my head on his neck and sobbed loudly.

I've never thought my voice could come out so broken. I know I was overreacting but I couldn't stop myself. I scolded myself for being this weak and vulnerable in front of Ace but it was strangely comforting. Him patting my back, shushing me and whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

After a while I calmed down enough and Ace carried me to my room, sat me on the bed. I braced myself for the insults and laughs. But he just gently asked me if I'm okay.

I wanted to cry but stopped myself, I really cried enough for today.

" I- I went to a bar that " I sniffled loudly " Evie invited me to and and and then s-she drugged me then" my voice cracked " and then she raped me s-she she"

"Shush shush you don't have to continue it's okay. I'm here she will never be able to get to you again I'll make sure of that." Ace started " I know it's useless to tell you to stop thinking about it but I could take your mind off of it ,I can tell you an interesting story."

" I was about to lose my virginity to girl of my class when I was in my freshman year of highschool. She was really ready and so was I, I did my reasearch and was like fully prepared to like have sex that's what all the cool kids were doing back then. So I bought the condoms and went to her home. She prepared a candle light dinner and everything. She was wearing black lingerie. We kissed and went to her room but I couldn't get my dick up. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't. I was so embarrassed I just ran out . That was my sorta gay awakening." He said while chuckling.

I couldn't stop myself I just burst out laughing. I laughed so hard my stomach began to hurt.

"There he is, you look angelic when you laugh baby. Never let anyone or anything take it away. It's one of the purest thing out there." He said and kissed my cheek I blushed but thanks to my complexion he couldn't see it.

"Come on now open your mouth I'll feed you " Ace said cooing. " I'm not a baby " I grumbled but still opened my mouth obediently.

I finished eating the pasta and he turned to leave. I grabbed his cuffs and asked "can we watch something or not I don't care whatever." I really did care and I really didn't want to be alone right now.

His eyes softened and he carried me to his room we cuddled up on his bed and watched "The chilling adventures of Sabrina." He brought me a tub of ice cream which we both shared and I reminded myself to go to the gym tomorrow.

After completing the 2nd season I was feeling a little sleepy so we both cuddled and slept together. He slept before I did I traced his face with my finger. He really helped me today, whether I would admit it out loud or not, he really helped me.

I don't feel disgusted anymore although it's not gonna go away in a day. I was beginning to feel a little bit better about myself thanks to him.

"Thank you Ace for everything, I know you can't hear it right now but I love you. I know you probably don't even think of me in that way but I'm in love with you. I just wanted to tell you and get it off my chest. You are a amazing human, what you did today for me was really kind. I just couldn't thank you enough for it." I kissed his cheek and forehead lightly.

I cuddled closer to him and fell asleep, faintly hearing  something like I love you too.

Sorry sorry this chapter is wayyyy tooo late
But still enjoy folks ✨
Can we all collectively agree that Evie should die?!
Anyways byee

Word count: 1945 words

A playlist has been added to the introduction part so if you want you can check it out ✨✨

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