Chapter 2

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Sherlock huffed as he sat in his chair.

"Let me guess, you need another case?" John asked, sarcastically.

"No, I just wish you weren't so distracted by our waiter today. You didn't even see the perpetrator drive up. On a time sensitive case. I told you to be alert, that's all you had to do, and you couldn't even do that."

"I wasn't distracted by our waiter."

Sherlock scoffed. "Yes you were. You're not fooling anyone here."

John cocked his head. "What the hell are you implying?" He growled.

"You know what I'm implying." Sherlock said, standing up, and grabbing his violin.

John walked up to him, and took the violin out of his hands.

"Rude." Sherlock muttered as he watched John place the violin on the chair behind him, and stand between it and Sherlock.

"I'm not gay!"

"I know."

"Good." John crossed his arms, and moved to the side so that Sherlock could grab his violin.

Sherlock grabbed his violin, before saying: "you're obviously bi."



"I know what you meant by 'bi'. What do you mean by 'it's obvious'."

"Oh John, clearly you have not seen the way you dress—"


"I'm not done. Your pupils dilated when you saw that man, you put product in your hair, you've never said that you're straight, when we were on the tube and that man grabbed your hand, your heart rate quickened, you—"

"Sherlock, none of that proves that I'm gay."

"You're not gay, you're bi, you have attraction to both men and women."

John sighed. "I'm not attracted to men."

"Yes you are."

"No I am not!"

"It's fine if you are. It's nothing to be ashamed of, or embarrassed about. It's just the way it is." Sherlock said, shrugging, and walking away.

John Watson x Genderfluid ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now