ATYWEITA 2 - edited

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Chapter 2

It did not take long before the group started their cars and moved towards the south base. Along the way Han Wenxing would often look outside and try to see the location of the mountain.

He really hopes that the group would still stop near that mountain, if not then he definitely need to persuade Ming Ge ang Jing Ge to take him there.

Though he really don't know where exactly in the mountain Li Hanjing found the space, well just follow Jing Ge then'.

With his plan in mind though still anxious Han Wenxing began to calm himself.

Now let's turn our attention to the whole group. It has only been half a day in the journey, and the zombies they encountered were quite few.

Other than stopping at certain places to replenish their supply the group hardly stopped. The leader of the group is once a gangster on the streets. His underlings calls him Lao Hu.

Lao Hu was just a small gang leader before the apocalypse but his reputation was quite bad. Their gang was charged with violence and destruction to property as they always leave a huge mess when fighting with other gangs.

They are also on the blacklist of the police station in their community. But despite this after the apocalypse many still chose to follow them.

Lao Hu can be said to be quite handsome just there is a scar on the right side of his forehead. It was caused by one of their gang fights.

Lao Hu can't also be said to be quite bad, other than violence and destruction to property their gang has never been involved in any other disputes.

In a way Han Liming and Lao Hu are also acquaintances. During one of their gang fights Han Liming had saved Lao Hu's life.
Thus the reason why Han Liming and the two were in Lao Hu's group.

If a person like Lou Ge, who was only taken in on the way, needs to compromise to Han Liming what more can the members of Lao Hu's gang which revered Lao Hu as their leader.

It took about six days before Han Wenxing finally saw the mountain that he'd been looking for.

Seeing the familiar mountain side Han Wenxing couldn't help himself from being excited even though he's been trying to down grade it.

"Pfft!" Looking at the excited yet restrained face of Han Wenxing Li Hanjing couldn't help himself from laughing.

"A Xing why are you so excited? What, did something happen?" Li Hanjing asked with a smile.

Hearing Li Hanjing's laugh Han Wenxing turned red in shame. "A Jing stop it, can't you see our little star is turning shy."
"Ming Ge, you're obviously laughing more than him!" Han Wenxing glared at the playful remark from Han Liming.

"Liming look at the road you fool!" Li Hanjing said pinching Han Liming's face that had turned to look at them(LHJ, HWX)
"Okay. Okay. A Jing stop pinching it hurts!"

Han Liming cried in pain yet his expression didn't really show that it was painful.

Looking out Li Hanjing wanted to see what made Han Wenxing so excited, but all he can see was the road with many decaying bodies littering on the ground.

It also seemed like they were going to pass by a mountain but he can't tell what Han Wenxing was so excited about.

"It's turning dark we'll probably camp out tonight." Just as Han Liming said so the car in front slowly moved to their car's side.

"Xiao Ming we'll set camp here for tonight." In the car Lao Hu said with a smile.

Lao Hu's age isn't that far from Han Liming age which was 24. Han Liming was only 23 with Li Hanjing being 21 and Han Wenxing being 20.

"Thanks Hu Ge." Han Liming responded with a smile. In the back car as soon as Han Wenxing heard what Lao Hu said he almost couldn't control his smile.

"You've never been this happy about camping in the past few days since the apocalypse began. What is it? Tell your Jing Ge." Seeing that suppressed smile on Han Wenxing's face Li Hanjing teased.

"No-nothing. Jing Ge let's go up the mountain to look for food." Since Li Hanjing already started the conversation then just ask.

Hearing Han Wenxing's request Li Hanjing couldn't help but frown. "A Xing, I don't think it's a good idea there seems a lot of zombies around, what if we encounter one."

One couldn't blame Li Hanjing's thoughts. Zombies are everywhere. If they encounter one they could work together to kill it but if there's many then it's certain death.

"There isn't believe me, please Jing Ge." Han Wenxing was a little desperate.

But what he said was true. In the past when Li Hanjing came back after obtaining the space from the mountain, he told them that the mountain was weird.
Along the way there was no zombies, not even one.

"How would you know?" Li Hanjing was doubtful.

"I- I.." Han Wenxing couldn't explain his certainty. How can he tell Li Hanjing that it was him (LHJ) that told him (HWX) about it.

Seeing him unable to speak, Li Hanjing was a bit soft hearted. "A Xing, don't think about it anymore okay?" Li Hanjing comforted.

"Okay." Han Wenxing couldn't help but sighing as he agreed. But in his mind he still wanted to go. 'I just have to find it myself then.'

After Lao Hu informed everyone about the decision, every one stopped their cars and got down from their own vehicles.

After a while Lao Hu and his gang gave out some biscuits, noodles and water.

As he ate, Han Wenxing decides to leave for the mountain when Han Liming and Li Hanjing were asleep. One way or another he needs that space.

Unknown to him, Li Hanjing told Han Liming of what Han Wenxing had told him. Li Hanjing was worried that Han Wenxing would secretly leave at night, which proved to have been a good decision as Han Wenxing really did left.

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