ATYWEITA 1 - edited

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Chapter 1

Han Wenxing woke up with a start as he rolled on the ground after being kicked off from his spot. He then took a deep breath as he tried to make out on what was going on. The last time he checked he was getting gnawed on by a bunch of disgusting zombies after being thrown off by his teammates.

"Han Wenxing stop with the act the team's going. Pretend all you want we're going to leave you!" The man that kicked him off sneered as he spat on the ground near Han Wenxing.

"Lou Ge stop scaring him. Let's go. The team's ready to set off. They said we might arrive at the south base in ten days." Another man called out to Lou Ge as he wiped his hands on his shirt.

Looking at Han Wenxing sitting blankly on the ground he smiled, "Ah Xing you should also get ready." He then reached out his hand to help Han Wenxing up.

Looking up at the man that had cared for him in his pastlife and how this man ended up before his death, his longtime feeling grew firmer. He let the man help him up and slowly lowered his gaze.

He remembered that this man, Han Liming, already had a lover and even then the feelings of the two stood tall like a pillar despite the apocalypse.

If he's not wrong at this time Han Liming's lover Li Hanjing has yet to get the magical space on a mountain that they will pass by. That artifact was bound to Li Hanjing, this was the reason the other members would not abandon Li Hanjing.

When the team decided to leave him behind several times it was always Han Liming and Li Hanjing that stood his side to keep him until they reached the south base.

Unfortunately at their arrival at the south base was the worst. They arrived just when the base was being besieged by about a hundred zombies.

Han Liming and Li Hanjing had to leave him to fight the zombies. With the little strength he had, Han Wenxing became a burden to his teammates.

It was also Lou Ge that got too irritated and pushed him to the zombies to buy them some time. At that time he had heard Han Liming call out to him in horror. Li Hanjing's face was ashen as he watch him fall towards the zombies.

And he seemed to had heard him call him with a name so foreign yet so familiar to him. "Han Lin!!!"

"Ming Ge where's Jing Ge?" Han Wenxing asked as he pretend to look around.

"Your Jing Ge is already in the car. Let's go. He's probably looking for you now." Han Liming smile as he lead him towards their car.

Upon reaching the car a man's head popped out from the passenger seats window. "Ah Xing your here! Come in hurry." Li Hanjing always smiled whenever he would talk to him (HWX).

Inside Li Hanjing moved to the back seat next to Han Wenxing and handed him a pack of biscuits and water.

"Don't make noise okay? I hid this earlier to avoid getting confiscated. Here eat." Han Wenxing could never understand why, Li Hanjing and him had only met each other 5 days ago and even then Li Hanjing would treat him like a treasure especially when only the three of them were around.

"Jing Ge why are you so good to me?" He couldn't help asking as he held onto the biscuits and water.

He saw Li Hanjing stiffen as he asked. "You really can't remember anything?" His voice sounded disappointed.

Han Wenxing stared at Li Hanjing confused. 'Had he met Li Hanjing before?'
Sighing Li Hanjing smiled weakly "Don't think about it anymore, eat you should be hungry."

"The leader said we'll probably arrive at the south base in about ten days." Since Han Wenxing was present when Han Liming said this to Lou Ge, the sentence was obviously directed to Li Hanjing.

"Do you think it would be safe there?" Li Hanjing asked worriedly.

"Maybe, we'll just have to see." Han Liming comforted.

"Ming Ge, Jing Ge is there anyone your looking for?" Han Wenxing asked hesitantly.
They looked at him and smiled. "Not really, your Ming Ge's family left just before the apocalypse started. So they were freed early. "

"Your Jing Ge is an orphan since young. He said he had a younger brother back then but they were separated." Han Liming then turned to Li Hanjing.

"You're looking for him?" Han Wenxing asked. He had never heard Li Hanjing having a brother in his past life, not like he asked anyway.

"No." Li Hanjing said looking straight at Han Wenxing. "He... He died early." Han Wenxing saw Li Hanjing smile weakly.

"Are you guys ready, it seems like they're starting to move." Han Liming said as he saw the cars ahead starting their engine.

"Ming Ge I think we shouldn't go with them anymore." Han Wenxing said suddenly.

"Why so suddenly?" Li Hanjing asked. "It's not that I'm not suspicious but in just ten days we'll be at the south base. Maybe we could be safe by then."

"What if it isn't?" Han Wenxing couldn't help asking. He really wanted to leave with the two early. But because of the mysterious mountain event he really want to get that space.

Li Hanjing turned to look at Han Liming. "If it gets dangerous well set off on our own. Our car is originally your Jing Ge's property before the apocalypse so them taking it won't work. So don't worry too much." Han Liming turned to smile at Han Wenxing to comfort him.

"Thank you Ming Ge, Jing Ge. You guys treating me like this, aren't you afraid I'll get spoiled." Han Wenxing joked.

"Sure. We'll spoil you rotten you'd get a big belly of fat." Li Hanjing said playfully.

Hearing that Han Wenxing felt a sting in his eyes, lowering his head he said, "It's already the apocalypse, there's already not enough to eat, getting fat will be too troublesome. I'll get caught by zombies with that weight."

"Don't worry we'll carry you if you can't run." Li Hanjing patted his (HWX) head gently.

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