Chapter 14: Kiss Me Kiss Me

Start from the beginning

"I really hope this date goes well," I say.

"Me too because I do not want to take care of you if it goes wrong," she replies and I laugh.

"I know it's not going to be horrible, but I don't know. Things happen," I shrug. "By the way, do you know anything about Michael lately? When we were coming back from training earlier, he seemed really down when I told him I was going on a date with Ash tonight."

"I don't know," Tatiana responds.

"He just hasn't been himself these past few days. I'm getting worried," I confess.

"He'll be fine. If something's really wrong, he would have told us by now," she expresses.

"True, true," I reply, and soon she's done with my makeup and it's time for me to change into my dress.

Slipping it on, Tatiana helps zip it up in the back and I stare at myself in the mirror, remembering how good I looked in it. I haven't worn this dress in a while and I kind of almost forgot about it. It was one of my dresses for a school dance last year and I also haven't forgotten how much I love this dress, too. It's the perfect combination of cute beautiful girl with a touch of sexy, my style. Tatiana hands me my shoes and I sit on the bed to slide them on, buckling them at the ankle. She then gives me the jewelry she picked out and as I put on the earrings, she clasps on the necklace. Once we're both finished, I step back and now fully glance at my reflection.

"You might need to call an ambulance once you get there," Tatiana speaks.

"Why?" I question, confused.

"Because he's going to have a heart attack when he sees you!" she smiles.

"You really think he's going to be impressed?" I inquire.

"Oh yeah, definitely," she agrees. "And if he's not, you walk right out of there, honey!"

Rolling my eyes at her, I laugh and now it's time to leave to go to the restaurant. My mum agreed to drive me there, so I say goodbye to Tatiana and climb in the car, my mum getting in the driver's side. We make sure Tatiana gets home safely before my mum pulls out of the driveway and speeds off.

Minutes later, we reach the restaurant and my mum drops me off, not forgetting the usual motherly talk about not letting the guy take advantage of you and stuff, although I've explained to her many times that Ashton's not like that. Finally, I get rid of her and enter in the mildly fancy restaurant.

I've never even been inside of this building before and it certainly is elegant, definitely one of those restaurants you feel like you need to dress up for. I'm glad Tatiana chose this outfit for me because I don't feel out of place as I dot my eyes around the room and notice many other people wearing their Sunday best.

"May I help you?" asks a server who is standing behind a podium with a sign that says Please Wait to be Seated.

"Um, I have a reservation with Ashton Irwin," I tell her, approaching the podium. She looks down at her list of reservations and comes across his name.

"Ah yes, this way, please," she replies and leads me through the restaurant. It isn't long before I spot his straight, dirty blonde hair already seated at a table, his back to us. He looks up as I slide into my chair and the server walks away.

"Wow, you look stunning," Ashton breathes, not taking his eyes off of me.

"You clean up nice, too," I answer as I glance at him in a dress shirt with a tie.

"Oh, thanks. I had to look everywhere to find this. I haven't worn something like this in years," he replies, chuckling. I smile and we both fall silent.

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