Mid ending 👁👁

Start from the beginning

"Oh-" Knuckles began, "Well, at least you'll still have me, and the others right?" Knuckles did his best to give him a comforting smile.

Sonic looked up at the red echidna smiling down on him, and he laughed softly to himself at how oblivious everyone was to who he had a crush on, but that's what he wanted, right?

"Yeah, yeah that's true." Sonic finally replied, putting a fake smile on.

Knuckles gave a small smile back, "Alright, I'm gonna go tell the others, im sure they'll be excited to hear the news.

"Mhm, totally." Sonic said, his thoughts still clouded.

Knuckles was about to leave, but he first went back to Sonic, bent down, and enwrapped the hedgehog in a hug, being careful not to crush his spine.

"I really am happy you're doing this Sonic, it's gonna be nice to have the old you back"

Sonic felt his entire body heat up at the sudden contact, and though a part of him was telling him to leave, the rest of him was tired, cold, and Knuckles was warm, Sonic couldn't stop himself from falling into the embrace, letting Knuckles hold him.

Knuckles let go of the hug far sooner than Sonic would've liked, but that was ok, afterall, he was lucky to get that kind of physical affection from the stoic echidna.

Knuckles stood up and walked towards the opening in the tent, turned around once more to face Sonic, smiled, and then left the tent without a word.

Sonic sat there for a few minutes, wow, was he going to miss how that smile made him feel.


As soon as Knuckles told Tails and Amy about Sonic's decision to get the surgery, they all rushed to get an appointment for him, and luckily there was an open space in about 30 minutes.

"I'm so glad Sonic has finally come to his senses." Amy said to Tails. Both of them were in the hospital lobby waiting for Sonic and Knuckles to arrive.

"Yeah," Tails replied, "It'll be nice to see him running around again."

Amy nodded, and the two of them fell into a comfortable silence. About 10 had minutes passed when Tails noticed Knuckles and Sonic walking through the hospital door.

"Sonic!" Tails yelled as he ran to give the hedgehog a hug.

"Hey tails!" Sonic laughed, returning the hug.

Tails guided Sonic to where Amy was sitting, Knuckles following close behind. Sonic took a seat, Tails sat down on his left, Amy sitting next to Tails, and Knuckles was simply standing next to Sonic.

"I'm so excited for you to be back to normal Sonic!" Tails exclaimed.
"Mhm," Amy nodded, "it'll be nice to see you running around again." she smiled.

"Yeah..." Sonic said looking down, his feet kicking back and forth rhythmically, hoping they'd get checked in soon so he didn't have to think about feelings, and...emotioNs~

Luckily, Sonic didn't have to wait too much longer as they were called up and led to an operating room in a matter of minutes.

The doctor helping them was the same one that diagnosed Sonic with hanahaki disease, which all 4 of them were grateful for, as it required less explaining.

The doctor motioned for Sonic to sit down on the operating table, and for the others to stand off to the side.

"So i see you decided to get the surgery after all." he said, walking over to put on some gloves.

Sonic simply nodded, not feeling like saying much.

"Hm, well don't worry, I'm almost 100% positive you'll feel much better once this disease is gone." the doctor smiled.

Sonic looked over at his friends, they all gave him encouraging smiles, he then made eye contact with Knuckles, staring into his magenta eyes. He felt his heart flutter as the echidna gave him a warm smile. He coughed up a flower, catching it with his hands and stared at it.

"Yeah, probably." Sonic said sadly, dropping the flower into the trashcan next to him.

"Welp-!" the doctor began, "no time like the present!" he turned to face Amy, Tails, and Knuckles, "oh and you guys are going to have to leave."

They all nodded and began to walk out the door, Knuckles turning around to face Sonic, the blue hedgehog letting his heart swell at the sight of the red echidna one final time.

'I love you, Knuckles." Sonic thought to himself as the door closed, and the doctor gave Sonic some sort of pain-numbing drugs, and after that, everything went black.


Sonic awoke in a bright hospital room, rubbing his eyes to adjust to the lighting, he looked around and saw 4 figures standing in front of him. He was...bamboozled... to say the least.

He tried to recall what he was doing in the room, but all he could remember was he was there to get a surgery, for what? He couldn't recall...ugh he hated not having all his memory there!

"Sonic?" a voice broke Sonic out of his thoughts, and he turned towards the source.

As his eyes focused, he was able to make out the figure more clearly,

"Tails?" Sonic questioned.

"Thats me!"Tails confirmed

Sonic smiled and looked over to who was standing next to Tails.

"Amy?" he asked yet again.

"Mhm!" Amy nodded, a small tear of relief coming to her eyes, which Sonic laughed slightly at

Sonic then turned his eyes to the person standing next to Amy, a red echidna he believed.

"And uh, who are you again?"

All three of them looked at each other, then looked back at Sonic, confused looks on their faces.

"Sonic what do you mean-" the red echidna began, "Its me Knuckles, don't you remember who i am- oh." Knuckles went quiet as the realization hit him like a truck "oh..." He said as a feeling of bittersweetness came over him, although it was mainly bitter.

Knuckles felt a soft tear fall down his cheek, refusing to believe that he no longer had anybody who truly understood him the way Sonic did.

tfw the blue hedgehog begins to cough up purple flowersWhere stories live. Discover now