Chapter 91

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Chapter 91 High Profile

    Ye Wan? Why is this name so familiar?

    Zuo Xinran was stunned for about ten seconds after hearing Xu Chengxi's words. It happened that a relatively strong light swept across Ye Wan's awake and dull complexion, allowing Zuo Xinran to see clearly and recognize it immediately. Who is this person he has been familiar with since the beginning!

    "Ye, Ye Wan?" Zuo Xinran's eyes widened, and his frightened voice immediately split his fork: "You're back?!"

    Why does this person seem to know him... Have they met? Ye Wan nodded slightly confused: "Hello."

    In fact, Zuo Xin could think of Ye Wan, but Ye Wan really didn't have the good memory to think of 'unimportant' people like them. What's more, Zuo Xinran was the person he met seven years ago when he was humiliated at the Chengfeng Mansion. Ye Wan wanted to forget all the events of that day, how could he still remember Zuo Xinran, who was dressed in chicken feathers to lead the way that day.

    But Zuo Xinran couldn't forget Ye Wan, a 'legendary figure', he was so excited that he would shake hands with Ye Wan, looking at Xu Chengxi with an excited and joking smile: "Then this is... I have to call my sister-in-law."

    "Don't call me Brother Ye." Xu Chengxi couldn't help but smile, rejecting Zuo Xinran's flattery with Ye Wan's expressionless face, and said solemnly, "He doesn't like this title. , You can call him brother or my sister-in-law."

    Zuo Xinran: "...?"

    A big '? ', Could it be...he now has the hobby of being the following brother?

    Zuo Xinran's ghostly eyes made Ye Wan very uncomfortable. He couldn't help grasping the soft flesh around Xu Chengxi's waist, and gritted his teeth: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

    These days It's really... Xu Chengxi wants to show off their relationship when he sees everyone, which makes Ye Wan feel funny and has a headache. He just doesn't know how to stop such an older young man from wanting to show his affection. But it's really embarrassing! Now that Ye Wan was in a hurry, he could only cast his anger on him.

    Xu Chengxi's face turned pale when he was pinched by Ye Wan, and he reluctantly kept a calm smile and nodded to Zuo Xinran: "Play slowly, I'll go first."

    "Hey, Brother Xu." Zuo Xinran hurriedly sent a few Bu: "Walk slowly."

    Now, Ye Wan didn't want to talk to Wang Chengji anymore, so he dragged Xu Chengxi and hurriedly 'escaped' out of the bar. As soon as he went out, he didn't have time to question Xu Chengxi for a sentence or a half, but this guy was wronged first -

    "How did you go so fast?" Xu Chengxi blinked, looked at Ye Wan 'poorly', and questioned Said: "Are you disgusting with me?"

    "...No." Ye Wan was about to be mad at him, and was extremely helpless: "Why are you talking about it everywhere?"

    Really, Xu Chengxi is just a little bit. Doesn't he care about his own image? I said it in front of my parents at home, I also said it in front of the unit leaders, and now in front of my friends who are playing privately... Just that Zuo Xinran just now, Ye Wan just glanced at his face to know that he was not a tight-lipped Good stuff, it's estimated that now that I know the 'best news', I have to tell Xu Chengxi's love life vividly and vividly in two days.

    Xu Chengxi looked at Ye Wan's slightly annoyed look, and said faintly, "You just dislike me."

    "...I really don't dislike me." Ye Wan felt that his wine was almost awake, and shook slightly. Shaking his head, he took Xu Chengxi's hand and left this 'right and wrong place'. He couldn't help but emphasize on the road: "I just think, you are too high-profile."

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