Chapter 62

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Chapter 62 A Pair

    Ten minutes later, Ye Wan, who was full of confusion, was taken by Yi Yunyin and Song Yangshu to the one-person office that used to be Doctor Yi, but now Director Yi. Song Yangshu forcefully poured their 'love experience' into their ears. .

    In fact, it is very simple and sand sculpture, that is, they see the right eye.

    Ye Wan had never experienced love in her last life, and she didn't know whether she was straight or bent, but she only knew that she did not reject homosexuality. I didn't feel awkward listening to it, at first I thought it was funny, and later I felt a little envious.

    Wang Chengji got married a few years ago, and the other roommates in the office should also have a partner. Now I know that Song Yangshu and Yi Yunyin are together... It seems that in this world, all the people who are in love want to be there. It's very easy together, except...

    Ye Wan's eyes flickered and he ordered himself to stop thinking about it. Song Yangshu was keenly aware that his emotions were not right, and immediately stopped talking and asked cautiously, "Munzi, what's the matter with you?"

    Ye Wan shook his head: "It's nothing, you continue to talk."

    "... .. there's nothing to say." He said everything he could say, but the atmosphere became colder if he didn't say anything. After knowing each other for many years, Song Yangshu clearly knew that Ye Wan was never a warm-up person, he was only responsible for cold field. So Song Yangshu had no choice but to say another sentence: "Speaking of which, I have to thank Dr. Xu for knowing Yi Yunyin. Oh, by the way, why did you go on the hot search with Dr. Xu when you came back? You two met and said What's the matter?"

    Song Yangshu's curiosity was just as eloquent as a cannonball, leaving Ye Wan not sure which question to satisfy him first, and was speechless when Yi Yunyin, who had just returned from the clinic, opened the door to save the scene—

    "Squirrel, can you reduce your speaking volume?" Yi Yunyin first complained about Song Yangshu when he entered the door, and didn't forget to praise himself: "I've said it all, no one can stand your continuous cannons except me."

    Ye Wan Suddenly I felt that these two were a perfect match for each other.

    "You know shit." Song Yangshu gave him a rude look: "I'm inquiring with Maru Zi about the hot search."

    "Hot search?" Yi Yunyin laughed when she heard the words, and shared pleasant gossip with them enthusiastically: "Tell you, Xu Chengxi was late in the morning and went to the hot search, and was criticized by the dean for not doing his job properly hahahaha Ye Wan: "

    ...I sent him here, and he's drunk."

    "Fuck he's drunk, you sent him here?" Song Yangshu's stupid brain became especially sharp at this time. , looked at Ye Wan in horror: "You two stayed together for the night? No, not that..."

    Ye Wan was stunned, and just as he realized what he said, he was about to be furious when Yi Yunyin next to him became cold. The anorectal doctor said, "No, drunk people can't stand up."

    Fuck, the anorectal doctor is still so straightforward. Ye Wan's face was red and his ears were red, and he couldn't bear to swear: "Can you guys stop mentioning this? What a hot search!"

    "Indeed, that hot search is a shit." Song Yangshu once again personally confirmed why he and Yi Yunyin were a natural pair. , I saw her nodded and said seriously: "How could you and Dr. Xu be jealous because of that woman's rivalry, you two are a couple!"

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