Chapter 68

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Chapter 68 The Engagement Banquet

    In fact, when Xu Chengxi kissed him back and forth yesterday, Ye Wan was awake, but Xu Chengxi thought he was asleep, and he... didn't open his eyes. Until now, Ye Wan couldn't quite explain his state of mind at that time. Xu Chengxi kissed him stealthily. Not only did he not stop him, but he responded involuntarily.

    Just like being intoxicated, Ye Wan felt that he was going crazy.

    When he was in college, Cheng Xu once complained that he was not interested in women and in love, just like his cold personality. But it's not the case. Ye Wan just doesn't like the fact that he is very sensitive to other people's body contact.

    But Xu Chengxi appeared like a regular breaker. At one point, Ye Wan had to admit with shame that he was almost addicted to the pleasure of having sex with him.

    The temptation of xing is like a mental drug, which makes people addicted to it. Ye Wan has never tasted it, and has been cold for many years. Opening meat is like taking drugs. I know it's not good, but I like it. It's just that he was resolute, and he didn't like it later, and he could do it without thinking about it.

    But kisses are still different from those. Why didn't he refuse Xu Chengxi's kiss? Is it because of the enthusiasm that makes people confused, only dare to be a quail and dare not refuse or because... Did he hang on the crooked neck tree of Xu Chengxi?

    Ye Wan recalled that in the past few years he went abroad, because his appearance was still intact, there were not many people who came to chat with him. In the beginning, they were all women. Later, some people saw that Ye Wan was not interested in all kinds of Chinese and Western fat, Huanyan and thin. Gradually, some men came over and offered olive branches.

    However, Ye Wan thought of having a serious relationship no matter what, and also seriously commented on the people around him who had a good impression of him, but he didn't agree in the end. He just felt superficially at the time... Those men and women were not as good-looking as Xu Chengxi. People are superficial, and he even refused Xu Chengxi's request for a long-distance relationship. Isn't it a pity to find someone who is not as good-looking as him.

    Ye Wan's specious heartbeat about Xu Chengxi before began with his appearance. After all, Xu Chengxi's face is not stained with any bad character. It is a standard look that looks good no matter how you look at it.

    Others...still worse.

    So Ye Wan's later goal became very naive - he wanted to find someone better-looking than Xu Chengxi to date. Then he searched diligently for four or five years, but couldn't find it.

    When he came back and saw Xu Chengxi again, Ye Wan found a very unpromising discovery - ah, Xu Chengxi is really more beautiful, it's not that he beautified this dog man in his memory filter. Everyone has a love for beauty. Ye Wan felt that he couldn't be completely cruel to Xu Chengxi's actions all these years, and his face accounted for at least half of the reason.

    As for the other half...

    "Why are you not disgusted by someone else's stealing kisses?"

    Just as he was thinking, a suspicious recitation came from behind, Ye Wan was startled, and quickly pressed the black screen on his phone. When he turned around, he saw Song Yangshu blinking his big eyes, looking at him innocently.

    "You," Ye Wan's ears warmed when he thought of what he had just recited, and he was slightly angry: "What are you looking at?"

    "I didn't read blindly..." Song Yangshu was very aggrieved and complained: " You've been in the tea room for a long time and haven't come out. I came to pour the water, and you were stunned there. You didn't agree to call me... Who stole a kiss from you?"

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