Lunch date

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"Tommy we have been sitting here for 20 minutes, can you please just drink the blood." Dream said with an annoyed expression on his face. Tommy was dead set on not drinking the blood that was set out in front of him, something the two had defiantly expected but not to this extent. The fledgling had attempted to throw his food in both Dream and Techno's faces countless times, he even tried to run to his room at some point.

Now, he sits in a chair with both his sounders standing on opposite sides of him and a bowl of blood in front of his face. Tommy felt like he was about to throw up, who's blood was this? It didn't matter. There was no way in hell that Tommy would be putting it in his mouth. "Fuck no. I would rather die then ever commit such an atrocity." In all honesty, Tommy would rather not die due to starvation; it sickened him to know the red liquid would pass his lips eventually.

He had tried to prepare himself for this day quite a long time ago, and he thought he was, but now seeing the bowl in front of was disgusting. The unnatural thickness, the deep red color, the putrid copper smell, and even the thought of who exactly had to die just so Tommy could live. He held in the tears as Techno placed a hand on his shoulder and tried to coax him into drinking the "soup". "I promise it's not as bad as you think it is." He said, over and over again.

The worst part, was Tommy was actually considering it now. His stomach was demanding something to be put in his stomach and while his brain wasn't happy with the idea of that something being blood, it agreed that he needed something and the blood was right there. The more he turned down the food, the louder a small voice in his head began to yell at him. It got louder as his sounders began to tell him to eat the food.


You know you want to.

Papa and dad said to.

Do it!

What the actual fuck? Tommy knew that vampires experienced certain things that humans did not but he never heard anything about a voice in their head. Whether it was a vampire thing or not, it was both extremally annoying and extremally convincing. Tommy closed his eyes as he slowly reached out a shaky hand and picked up his spoon. His eyes remained firmly closed as the spoon inched towards his mouth.

The taste made Tommy want to die for a second time. It was so fucking delicious. He finally opened his eyes and took another bite; soon enough, he was practically inhaling his food. It was just so strange, The once copper taste had now became sweet. Tommy had always had a sweet tooth but now, this was almost addictive. It gave him a sense of warmth and safety, he almost felt like he wanted to give da- Techno a hug.

The food was gone not too long after. Tommy had felt guilt wash over himself as Dream took away the bowl; it only took a few words of praise from the two before tears fell down Tommy's cheeks. He had no clue what came over him, his hunger just became so intense and the voice was so loud. Techno had hugged him the second he noticed the tears, "shhh, you did so good my lovely. Now that you've eaten, we can go see the Golds and you can see Purpled."

Tommy had perked up a bit at that; he wanted to see Purpled. It took a few moments but Tommy was able to put himself together once more. He tried not to think about what had happened a few minutes ago as he got ready. Instead, he focused on how he would be leaving the house for the first time since his escape and how he would also be seeing one of his best friends. It wasn't much but a good thing was a good thing.

He felt it was crucial to focus on the positive moments during days like this. It was so easy to only think of all the horrendous things that happened...that he did...but that was too hard. Whenever he thought about the reality he was facing, he wanted to throw up. Tommy didn't want to think about all the people who had died in this house while he was here. Techno and Dream would never tell him but he certainly wasn't stupid; he knows why they locked him up in his room during the night and claimed it was for "vampire stuff".

The screams of those poor people would sometimes still reach his room. He had remembered sitting in his closet with his hands over his ears as a women cried out for help. Tommy was trained to do that. He was supposed to fight off these guys so they wouldn't be able to hurt others, now look at him, all he could do now was listen to them scream. He repeated the word 'sorry' over and over again that night. He still apologizes to that women sometimes.

Tommy had to shake his head, "Just keep thinking positively." He mumbled as he grabbed out a sweatshirt and jeans from his closet. It was a very simple outfit but Dream said this wasn't anything special. He quickly threw on the clothes and rushed downstairs, ignoring Techno's mumbles of "He would look so much better in a button up..." The ride to Purpled's house was a solid thirty minutes and they were taking a fucking carriage. Life was really weird.


By the time they had made it to Purpled's house, Tommy was ready to kill someone. For the entire car ride, Dream placed his arm over Tommy's shoulder and Techno talked his ear off on 'proper vampire table etiquette'. Tommy had never been forced to listen to something so boring in his entire life. Hell! Even Eret's lessons on vampire artifacts weren't as boring as this. Needless to say, the second they had pulled up at the mansion, Tommy jumped out of the carriage.

He ignored his sounders yells of protest so he could get to the front door quicker; he was excited to see his friend again. By the time Dream and Techno had made it up to the stairs, Tommy was already banging on the front door. "Hello Thomas." Punz said upon opening the door. Tommy paid the man no attention and only looked past him to meet the eyes of an equally excited Purpled. "Tommy, don't forget your manners." Techno reprimanded slightly.

"Hello Punz, please don't call me Thomas, now may I see Purpled." The franticness in the youngers tone caused the assassin to laugh ever so slightly. He nodded as he moved out of the blonde's way. Tommy wasted no time jumping on his friend and entrapping him in a bear hug of sorts. Even though it felt like he saw Purpled yesterday, he couldn't help but want to make up for that blurry sleeping period.

"Toms! I'm not going anywhere big man!" The other boy said through his giggles. They sat up and looked at the adults standing outside, they seemed to be catching up. "You wanna go to my room?" Purpled asked with a sly smile. Tommy could tell he was up to something and what kind of friend would he be to not help the bastard out? The two ran upstairs until they reached a dark oak double door. Tommy was surprised with what he saw.

Purpled's room was probably the coolest fucking thing he's ever seen. The dark purple walls were covered in glow in the dark stars and everything seemed to be alienified in some way shape or form. Random alien plushies littered the room along with books that only contained information about space. All of this plus the dim lighting of the room just screamed Purpled, it was obvious Punz did research much like Tommy's sounders.

"Okay, we need to get a plan together on how we're going to get out of here." But of course, Purpled was never one for waiting. He quickly walked over to his bed and bent down so he could out a large box from underneath, "I have a bunch of different weapons that we could use-" Tommy swiftly cut the other off, "Wait wait wait, we're gonna kill them?" Purpled looked back at Tommy as if he were insane. Okay, maybe it was a dumb question considering they were vampire hunters but there was no way Purpled really thought they could pull that off?

"I'm just saying, how are we supposed to do something like that?" Purpled laughed slightly before responding, "were not gonna kill the dumbass, we're gonna make them think that we'll hut ourselves." Tommy went quite, giving the other a confused look. Purpled sighed, "Listen, they're obsessed with keeping us safe so if we make them think that we'll hurt ourselves if they get close then that will hopefully give us some time to hide from them!"    

You know, that wasn't a terrible plan. It certainly had its flaws but that was bound to happen with armature hunters. They could only hope their sounders would put too much faith in that idea. "Well then, What do we do to start off your plan?" Tommy almost backed away once he saw Purpled face. It reeked of 'I'm about to ask you to do something stupid' and the knife in his hand didn't help put Tommy at ease.

"I need you to beat yourself up with some of these weapons."

You suck...most of the timeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu