Chapter 18- The Southern Air Temple

Start from the beginning

Meelo and Ikki appear behind dad, racing each other on air scooters. The wind from their bending causes dad's robe to blow over and cover his head.

"You can't catch me! I'm the greatest air scooter of all time!" Meelo trips over and crashes into a statue.

I wince.

"Meelo!" Dad's eyes bulge in shock as he runs over to him.

Jinora walks forward to the statue of grandpa, Avatar Aang, and looks at it in awe.

Suddenly. She quickly looks behind her in fear, but there is no one there.

"You good?" I ask as I observed her from Avatar Kyoshi's statue.

Jinora shakes her head. "Ye-yeah, I just thought I heard some noises. It's nothing."

I only hum in response.


The next morning, I had been woken up by Ikki basically crying to me.

I stir in my bed. "Ikki, please go away."

"But Fara," she cries. "Jinora and Meelo are picking on me again."

I let out a long sigh as I pick up my sister. She directs me to where the other two are.

"You two, better have a good explanation on why you are picking on Ikki. She had to wake me up from my sleep. You know how much I treasure my sleep." I growl.

"It's just teasing." Jinora snarks. "That's what siblings do. Ikki is just too sensitive."

"If you guys don't get along, you'll all feel sensitive in a second with how ima hurt your feelings."

I walk away and brush past Uncle Bumi, who loudly shouts good morning to me.

"Tenzin, you need to fix your grumpy twin." Bumi chuckles as I didn't respond to him.

I hop into bed. Half an hour later, I am woken up by my mom. "Isn't this supposed to be a vacation?" I shriek. "Why am I being waken up every five minutes?"

"Your sister is missing."

"Is it Jinora, cause if it is. I don't care."

"Fara!" Mom loudly scolds. "Don't you dare say that again. But, it's Ikki."

"She's probably just playing hide and seek with Meelo and Jinora."

"Fara, wake up, now!" She says in an angrier tone.

I slip out of bed. "Alright, alright, stop bickering women."

I could basically see the flames explode from my mom's ears.

"Okay sorry, give me a minute." I sweetly apologize with a tiny smile.

When I was ready, mom and I began searching for Ikki along with Jinora and Meelo.

We searched for Ikki for hours, but it was no luck.

Aunt Kya and uncle Bumi had returned with no dad. "Where's dad?" I ask as the three siblings had went scavenging for Ikki earlier.

"He went deeper into the forest to find Ikki himself, we all got into an argument, so we came back to the temple to see if Ikki returned." Uncle Bumi answers.

I rub moms back. "Dad will find her."


Bright and early the morning, my family and I waited outside the temple for any arrival of Ikki and dad.

My eyes were beginning to close when footsteps approached the temple.

"Sweetie!" Mom smiles, quickly running foward and hugging Ikki. "You're okay! Oh! I was so worried!"

Mom then turns to Jinora and Meelo. "Do you have something you wanna say to your sister?"

"Ikki! I'm glad you're back." Meelo goofily smiles.

"Yeah," Jinora sighs. "Sorry we made fun of you."

"Thanks. Wanna play air ball?" Ikki excitedly asks.


"Yeah!" My siblings reply.

I shake my head as I grab Rohan rocking him in my arms. "We are too old and young to be hanging around those kids, isn't that right?"

Rohan giggles in response.

Minutes later, My siblings come back as they jump on top of me. "Fara, aren't you going to join us?"

I smile handing Rohan to mom.

I stand up as I bend my body backwards, cracking my back. "I haven't played air ball in years, but this elderly is about to kick you kids asses."

𝔽𝕒𝕣𝕒 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℝ𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 : 𝕀𝕣𝕠𝕙 𝕀𝕀 𝕩 𝕆𝕔Where stories live. Discover now