Chapter 2

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I impatiently bounced my leg as I waited by the stairs for the 'I'm here' text that would soon light up my phone. My parents were lingering around the front door, peeking through the curtains every few minutes for a glimpse of the boy that asked me out.

"Are we really sure this boy even exists? For all we know Veronica made it up for attention." Tori said casually as she leaned against the kitchen door frame.

"Oh, hush you," Mom said, waving Tori away.

"I'm just saying. She doesn't even have a photo of him." Tori continued, inspecting her manicure.

"For the last time, he plays on the basketball team with Vaughn." I said through clenched teeth.

"There's a car! It pulled into the driveway!" Mom squealed.

"No way," Tori said, shoving mom out of the way so she could take a look.

"Can you two back off? I don't need him to see you two spying through the window. I don't want him thinking I have a family of creeps." I said, pushing Tori away from the window.

"Veronica Marie, do not talk to your mother like that." Mom scolded.

"Sorry," I whispered, lowering my head.

The doorbell rang and we fell silent. My stomach churned. He came to the door?!

Each of us taking turns looking at the door then at each other.

"Well answer it!" They said in unison.

"Alright, Alright!" I said, ushering them out of the room.

I composed myself, taking a moment to fix any stray hairs before opening the door. He smiled the second his eyes landed on mine. He looked dashing in his navy-blue button up polo and tan jeans. He was holding a small bouquet of daisies and lilacs.

"Ronnie, you look... amazing," he beamed.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I blushed.

He handed me the flowers, "For you,"

I took them and gave them a sniff. They smelled strongly like perfume, slightly burning my nose.

"They are beautiful." I said, admiring the vibrant colors, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He grinned.

"Hi, I'm Janet, Veronica's mother," Mom said as she pushed me to the side.

She reached out to shake his hand. He accepted her gesture, giving her hand gentle shake.

"Nice to meet you ma'am, I'm Nick." He smiled warmly at her.

"My you are a handsome one, aren't you?" Mom said, still holding on to his hand.

Repulsed, I quickly linked my arm in his and started dragging Nick toward his car, "Okay, that's enough of that. Bye mom!"

Nick laughed next to me as I continued pulling him down the driveway. We got in the car, and I set the bouquet on the dashboard while I buckled my seatbelt.

"Sorry about her," I said once we were settled in the car.

"It's fine, she seems really nice." He smiled lightly.

"Yeah, seems." I grimaced, "Anyway, what mini golf place are we going to?"

"It's called Put-Put Pond. Have you been there?" He asked as he pulled out of the neighborhood.

"Never heard of it." I shrugged.

"It's a place downtown, kind of out of the way, but it's by far the nicest in town." He grinned.

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