Okayu: *pulls out a switch* Mario Kart?

Fubuki: *also pulls out a switch* yes

Flashback ends

Okayu: so that's what happened

Izuku: *head down* s-sorry, we were too loud

Mio: Nah it's fine

Okayu: but invite us next time~ *said charmingly*

Izuku: *blushing* alright

Korone: come on, let's go enjoy our last couple of days here

the four: alright

Eri: come on papa let's get ice cream

Izuku: coming Eri

they had fun playing in the carnival, and for the entire vacation, they just explore, swimming and, fishing. When they got back to UA

Yagoo: welcome back

Hololive: Hello Yagoo

Izuku: hello Yagoo

Yagoo: hey Midoriya

Izuku: I'm going to my class's dorm for today, is that okay?

Yagoo: yeah, go-ahead

Izuku: thank you Yagoo

In class 1A dorm

Izuku: hey guys

Class 1A: hey Midoriya/Deku

Sero: Your so lucky man

Izuku: why?

Kirishima: sensei has done nothing besides training

Kaminari: it. was. horrible

Mina: You gotta tell me how the island looks

Izuku: I have a picture of it

Mina: Show me

Izuku: this is the island and, this

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Izuku: this is the island and, this

Izuku: this is the island and, this

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Izuku: this is the Hotel

Mina: it looks so beautiful

Izuku: my room is different from the others

Momo: what do you mean

Izuku: I mean my room is better than the other's room. Look

Izuku: this is mine and,

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Izuku: this is mine and,

Izuku: this is the others

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Izuku: this is the others

Hagakure: wow

Izuku: I also slept with Korone on this one

Jiro: figures since, you are her childhood friend

Mina: so.... What did you two do there

Uraraka: come on Mina, they probably didn't do anything

Izuku: me and Korone lost our Virginity together

The class went silent... Then

Class 1A: WHATTTTTTT?!?!????


Izuku: she was in heat I kinda don't have a choice do I

Momo: I- *sigh* you got a point there

Izuku: well I'm going back now cya guys on Monday

Class 1A: cya Midoriya

In Hololive dorm

Izuku: hey girls

Hololive: hey

Izuku: what are you girls doing?

Noel: talking about our plans to go shopping tomorrow

Izuku: guess I'm joining to

Chole: yep

They all talk about their plan for tomorrow


???: what are we doing here

A guy said with scars on his body

???: *scratching his neck* sensei told us to prepare for tomorrow since we're attacking a mall

A guy said with hands-on his body

???: but why a mall?

A magician said

???: because master said there will be a lot of civilians tomorrow since tomorrow is an event

A guy who has mist around him

???: I can't wait to drink some hero's blood, hopefully, Izuku will be there *smiles widely*

A girl said

???: well be prepared for tomorrow's attack, we're going to show those heroes who they're messing with

Some were on top of a building watching and listening to them

???: I need to tell Nezu about this fast

He flew away

To Be Continued

Side story

Woieoo: *eating popcorn*

Sana: ummm, why is your friend upside down?

Ysingc: don't question it, he just like chaos. Sometimes I wonder if he's connected to Baelz

Kronii: might be

Ysingc: well whatever let's continue on reacting

He turns on the screen

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