Chapter 7 Vacation Yes

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We left off from yesterday to see Izuku and Okayu on a date

Izuku: you ready Okayu?

Okayu: yep

Izuku: let's go then

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Izuku: let's go then

For their date they decide to go to an arcade and have fun, they also meet the holo council and holomyth, but they were mostly alone

Time skip the next day

Izuku: you sure want to go to this place Fubuki?

Fubuki: yeah, this is a good karaoke bar

Fubuki: besides I like singing, and I can also hear your singing voice

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Fubuki: besides I like singing, and I can also hear your singing voice

Izuku: I'll probably sing badly

Fubuki: you won't know if you don't try

Izuku: guess your right. Shall we go in

Fubuki: yeah

Fubuki and Izuku had a lot of fun probably because they were drunk. Fubuki was amazed by how good Izuku is at singing high hopes

Next day

Mio: ahhh~ this place is nice

Mio: ahhh~ this place is nice

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