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Hello, my name is Starr! I'm the author of this book. This story contains a happy version of Arcane for our beloved characters. One where Silco and Vander are still close, one where Caitlyn and Vi met in a happier way, and one where Vander, Silco, Mylo, Benzo, and Claggor are still alive.

This book will contain the following ships:

please click off if!:
You will comment about your shipping of Jilco, Vijinx, or Vanco
You will comment hate towards ANY character. Constructive criticism, to my writing of them, is okay.

Please enjoy this book!
Characters' pronouns are:
Mylo, Vander, Silco, Benzo, Jayce, and Ekko: He/Him
Jinx, Caitlyn: She/They
Mel, Vi: She/her
Viktor: He/they
Claggor: Any (he/she/they but prefers he)
Authors pronouns: He/They/it/Xem (pronounced Zem)

Vi and Cait will be LESBIANS in this book. If you headcanon them as bi thats one thing, but please dont comment about it.
Ekko, Jinx, and Jayce will be bisexual. Mel and Viktor will be pansexual.
Please do not critisize the characters sexualities or pronouns and ESPECIALLY no hate towards the LGBTQIAP+ community. You will be blocked and reported if I see transphobia/homophobia.

With that, enjoy the book!
-6/20/2022 (updated: 8/7/2023)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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