Start from the beginning

A image popped up it was the upside down. She saw a grocery store with selves knocked to the ground. She saw carts destroyed.

Marci breathes heavily it was now or never. Like Brenner said Fear was the mind killer Marci was done being afraid she didn't care how many times she and Eleven closed the gate and killed off the monsters the fear never left. It was embodied in her for a long time and now she was gonna face it.  "No more hiding" she says at the camera knowing Brenner was watching.

He puts in the first memory and the setting changes. "Zero Age:15"

Marci got up in a cold sweat. She runs out of the room and runs through the halls. "Zero your finally awake-" a staff member says.

Marci looks at him for a moment. "Papa where's papa I need to see him-"

"He's a little busy working-"

"Where is he?" She snaps. He doesn't so she quickly walks away from him.

"Zero! Zero! Come back!" He protests Marci ignores this and walks towards the Rainbow room. No one was there so she pushes a some tables and the bookshelves to block the doors to keep people out.

She sees more flashes of the upside down again and it starts to hurt her head. She groans in pain before grabbing some colored pencils and paper she closes her eyes and sees more images. Drawing them with her eyes closed. Finishing with one sheet of paper and on to the next she draws what she sees with eyes completely shut and not paying attention to anything else.

About 30 minutes later she has tones of papers scattered on the floor. Getting up and looking at a piece and of paper it lifts up and she directed it to the wall. Having it in a specific spot she follows with more drawings.

"She's in the rainbow room Dr." The staff member says. He tries to open the door but it won't budge. "It's not opening. Something must be blocking it."

Brenner looks at the door and tries to open it himself. It doesn't work and he makes more staff members try to open the door.

"Did she say anything earlier?" Brenner asks.

"She was looking for you earlier she looked like she saw something horrible."

"And what did you tell her?" Brenner asks impatiently.

"I told her you were busy-"

The door opens finally and the staff members looks around confused. The rainbow room was completely destroyed and in the Middle Marci was there standing still. They see the walls covered in drawing and before she can put one last paper on the empty side a voice gets in her head. "Told you I'm real." Marci's eyes open and she sees everything in place. It looks less terrifying as a drawing but the images and being there on many nights she felt paranoid.

"Zero?" Marci finally hears and turns around all the papers fall and he looks mad. "Why did you do this?" He asks.

Marci doesn't respond to him. He looks at the staff and signals them to leave. They left and the room when quiet. He pulled up two chairs and set then near a table. Walking around he picks up a small stack of the drawings and carefully examines them. "Sit at the table please." He instructed, quietly making her way to a chair she sits down and stares at her 000 tattoo for a moment. Brenner sits next to her and looks at her sternly. "What made you think destroying one of your privileges was a good idea?"

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