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Marci woke up completely dazed she felt important again. I mean she loved her friends, and Eleven but there was something Peter that made her feel completely fall in love again. She looked around and got out of bed left the room and saw her reflection she was a lot more older now, maybe 14. This was around the time She advanced and was no longer training with the other children. Her and Peter trained alone and rarely saw the other kids. But the difference between the two was Marci rarely trained with the kids and the other kids didn't know Peter existed. Yet.

She felt a hand grab her and was dragged into a room, she yanked her hand as saw it was Peter. "Why'd you do that?" She asked confused.

"Papa said get up bright and early but he never said what time we were supposed to train." He sat on his bed and she followed suit. He had a small smirk. "Close your eyes." She does and the room goes silent. Opening her eyes she sees they're in a black room. Peter walks around and so does she He pictures a town and they walk around and look around amazed. "Wonder if there are buildings really like this."

"Me too." Marci looks and sees a small bench in front shop. She walks towards it and sits down. Peter follows and looks at her. "I hate living like this."

"Me too." Peter replied softly.

"I just wish i could go home. I mean i ask my parents all the time why can't i go home but every time I bring it up they get scared something bad is gonna happen if they even attempt to get me out." Marci rants sadly.

Peter looks at her and gabs her hand, they get up from the bench and Peter caresses her face softly he admires her in awe. He knew he had done horrible things his whole life, many unforgettable things, but one thing he would never ever do, is lay a finger on her, he'd kill himself before thinking of harming her. To Brenner and the staff all they saw was a heartless kid who barley showed emotion but when it came to Marci, he would be a completely different person. It was difficult to gain his attention when she was in the room, it was hard to clear his mind and concentrate when Marci consumed his mind. Weather he was 14 or not he didn't care he was in love, and nothing could convince him he wasn't.

He continues to look at her completely in love. He leans in and she does as well, he adverts his eyes to her lips and softly whispers. "Can i kiss you?" She doesn't respond but closes the gap. Their lips move slowly but lovingly. The kiss was in their mind, but the love was real, the kiss was just a symbolism of what they really felt.

Her eyes open and as she was about to smile. She saw something Peter suddenly disappeared and as Marci looked around the town was completely dark, it had almost what looked like dust, particles of dust. She walks around and sees small creatures, she takes a slow step back and steps on a vine. The vine tangles Around her leg and she slipped towards the ground.

"What's happening to her, why is she thrashing?" Dr. Brenner asks confused. He looks at the monitors and sees her heart beat going insane. "Check her sister's." He says.

"Everything is fine with Eleven, she seems to respond well."

"Then why is Zero thrashing?" Owens asks. The screens with Marci's memories memories suddenly go black and everything goes quiet. Then a noise of static takes over by the second everyone is more confused till the screen shows a view. The upside down. They see Marci being pulled roughly on the ground. "What? What is happening?" Owens asks.

Dr. Brenner looks at Owens. "She's controlling them-"

"Thats not possible, the only purpose was for her to remember-"

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