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Marci and Eleven walk through the halls behind Brenner as he puts a code in to the door and unlocks it. He opens the door to reveal a room with shelves filled with tapes Marci looks around and sees many are labeled. "Everything that took place in my lab is captured of video tape." He closes the door and taps Marci on the shoulder. "Many tapes are with Owens and the others so this isn't all of them but this side is yours." He shows her her side and she sees so many her eyes couldn't just adjust to one. "Every success and every fail, its important for you two to not just see your past but to fully  Re experience it too. And doing so I believe believe we can repair your broken signals as we saw tonight and the night you came Zero." He pauses.

"As we saw that process has already begun."

"If this all happened, why don't we remember?" Eleven asks.

"Because you don't want to. Our brains have a defense mechanism place to protect us from bad memories, trama. You both buried these memories long ago." Brenner answers.

"Papa when i was in there i saw something, there was blood, so much blood."

"That was another memory a more powerful one, invading from your subconscious you have demons Eleven, you have demons in your past and that is why we must proceed carefully, one step at a time, one memory at a time if we go to fast im afraid you're gonna be lost in the dark and if you were lost so will Zero be." Brenner explains.

"So who's going first?" Marci asks.

"We were thinking on trying something new?"

"Like what?"

"We want to put both of you in there-" Brenner starts.

"But isn't that dangerous wouldn't that destroy the process and memories give to us?" Marci asks confused.

"You chose your own memories and we've never seen anyone done that before, i know deep inside you are way more powerful which is why you're here, to get stronger, it's your hear that slows you down, and we're trying to make it keep up with your abilities." He says grabbing her arm. He looks at her 000 tattoos. "You were the first ever person to come to Hawkins lab you just 3 years old and i knew you were scared but you grew brave you past is what haunts need to come to peace with it let it guide you, let it make you stronger. Can you do that?"

Marci nods her slowly. "What are the next memories i have to do?"

"Since we're putting you in the same in together we want to split screens 3 go to you and 3 got to Eleven the key is to look at your own memories and when the time is right, we will merge the memories into one and both of you will be in one together." He explains bot girls nod and Brenner nods. "Okay Eleven you get changed i wanna speak with Zero for a minute." Eleven leaves and Marci is left alone with Brenner.

"What did you wanna talk about?"

"I said to Eleven we were taking one memory at a time and you've been in the Lab for over a decade...we want to skip a couple of years, is that okay?" Marci hums and he opens his mouth before closing it he looks at her for a second and talks. "You're memories are gonna be longer than Eleven so you'll still be in there for a while."

"What memories am I doing?" She asks again.

"When you first met 1 to later on."

"I- i can't." Marci blurts outs.

"Why not?" He asks.

"He might have been my favorite person I've ever met but those were even Darker years...I don't- i can't relive them i know i could get stronger and i have to face it...but I can't...i just can't-"

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