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Memory or Vecna

Real life

Waking up from her nightmare Marci walks out of her room and heads down stairs. She sees Max eating her food. "Max i said you could crash whenever you want, but please don't eat all my food." She chuckles.

"Sorry." She says sarcastically. "How'd you sleep?" Marci immediately tenses at that and feels a slight flashback. Did you keep your promise? She looks at the ground. Max looks away from her cereal bowl and looks at her. "You okay?"

Marci runs her hand through her hair. "Im good, could be better." Grabbing some fruit she heads to her living and sits on the couch. Max shakes her head and follow her.

"What's up?" Max asks standing in front of her.

The older girl shrugs. "Nothing im fine just didn't sleep good."

Max perks up. She hadn't been sleeping either so maybe Marci could feel what she feels. After all she is the only one Max hasn't pushed away. "You know you can talk to me right? I mean i get your older and all but im your friend and i care about you." She grabs her hand and gives it a squeeze. Marci smiles but before she can say anything-

Marciana i care so much about to's me Pe-

Marci gets up and looks around. Max looks shocked and worried. "Marci what happened?"

"Nothing, Its nothing i just remembered i have to go in early to work. Come on I'll give you ride to school." She puts on a fake smile and goes to put on her shoes.

Max didn't want to pry so she gave up and smiles. "Sure I'll go get my bag." She heads to the kitchen and Marci's eyes wonder around.

"What is wrong with me?" She whispers. Grabbing her keys she and Max Walk out her house and head towards her car. Not before checking the mail of course.


Taking a few photo shots of the town she decided to walk around and find a new location. Marci worked as a photographer, she scams people into paying way more money than they needed to but how else is she gonna afford her house and pay bills.
She finds a beautiful site of a new building and takes a few photos.

"Don't move silly im trying to take a picture!"

"Okay, just be quick i feel stupid."

"I said hold still Peter."

He laughs making Marci get the in her opinion the best picture. If only she knew how to make them print. She sits on a bench as Peter joins her.

"Your really good at taking pictures."

"We're never able to see them."

"I know but you beautiful taking them."

She blushes and looks down. "Thanks if I wasn't here i would wanna do this for the rest of my life."

He picks her face up by her chin. "I promise my love we will one day."

"Shut up!" She yells, Looking around no one is there. She's not in the town anymore. The clock is ringing through her ears.




She feels her eyes well up in tears. "Please stop."

"Marciana did you miss me?"

"You're not real!"

"Open your eyes and then you'll see sweet Marci..."

She opens her eyes but refuses to look up and lets out a sob. "See your not real."
Feeling a hand lift up her face she feels her breath hitch.

"Im right here..." Peter stands in front of her. Like the last time she saw him nice hair, looks clean, and those sweet beautiful eyes she never forgot.

"You're just a memory." Marci mutters.

"If i were a memory then I wouldn't be able to do this." He closes the gap and kisses her with such passion.

Marci opens her eyes and sees she's not in the upside down. She touches her lips and sees her camera is on the grass, she's in the woods with no remembrance of how she got there. She picks up her camera and the letter in her jacket falls out, picking it up she smiles at it.

To: Marci

From: El

Running back to the town without dropping her camera and looking for her car she decided it was time to go home before she has to pick up Max in a couple hours.

Finally finding her car she putts her camera down and opens El letter.

Dear Marci,

I miss you so much i know i always say that in the beginning of each letter
But your my sister and some times i wished you came with us to California.
I know you wanted to stay because of Steve and didn't want Joyce to waste more money on a kid that isn't her's but im glad we talk on the phone and you write me letters and send me many of your beautiful pictures. Jonathan and Will are doing good. Joyce got a new job and i made so many good friends and can't wait till i get to see you in a few days along with Mike hopefully Steve won't throw a fit about you coming. I still don't have powers and im glad you still do so if anything happens you can save us like you always do. Im making a diagrama of Hopper for a project so i will work on that. I hope you're doing okay and are happy in Hawkins. I love and miss you.

Love, El

Marci smiles and puts the letter down so she can write her sister back when she gets home.


Dear El,

God i miss you too, all the time. sometimes i even wish i moved to California with you guys it's so boring without you. Max keeps me company and i do go out with Robin all the time but it's never the same without you.  I wanna say im good but family doesn't lie so i will tell you something but you have to keep it a secret. I've been having dreams, not a nightmare but it's not something i want to be dreaming of either. It's happened for 3 days now and i know it could be nothing but I needed to tell someone, Max asked but she's a been over her head so I don't want her to feel like im pressuring her or anything bad, Steve and i broke up, we got into a fight it wasn't bad but i could tell there was no more spark anymore between us but im okay. I can't wait to see you too and Will, Jonathan and Joyce. Here's some pictures i took the other day, They're some dogs and rivers your favorite. I love and miss you so much.

Love, Marci

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