1: A Lucky Or Unlucky Nurse

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This story will start on the third week of school after the entrance ceremony for the students of class 78.

The school, Hopes Peak Academy, are consisted of a bunch of highly talented students. The talents each person possessed varied from the Ultimate Mechanic, to the Ultimate Writing Progeny, so on. There are a lot.

Anyway back to the story. It was a beautiful day today.

-Hagakure (Ult Clairvoyant) constantly losing again in cards again against "Celestia" (Ult Gambler)
- Ishimaru (Ult Moral Compass) lecturing students even outside his own classroom
- Akane (Ult Gymnast) is running around the school trying to find her next opponent
- Mahiru (Ult Photographer) who was scratching her head in irritation as he witness guys being lectured by Ishimaru
- Tanaka (Ult Breeder) was going on with his chibu with his 4 Dark Devas, and his rules by darkness.
- Togami (Ult Affluent Progency) was reading a book while the student Toko (Ult Writing Prodigy) stares at him from behind admiring and drooling, which unsettle those near.
- Fujisaki (Ult Programmer) was talking with Mondo (Ult Biker Gang Leader) and Kuwata (Ult Baseball Star) about how to come off more as a man. It was cute how he asked, which I'm sure isn't the type of response he was looking for.

The uniqueness of everyone's activities is what makes this school what it is. However, not everything is all sunflowers and daisies.

In the nurses office

???: Here we go, all you need to do is make sure you get some rest and you'll be all better

The other person didn't give even the slightly sign of gratitude. The person comments on how even if you're the Ultimate Nurse doesn't stop you from being an Ultimate bitch

???: *Jumps back from the cold demonar and had a face of fear* I'M SORRY for being one, I'M SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE-

The person told her to 'Shut the fuck up' and hit the Ultimate Nurse over the head causing her to fall back on some supplies while the person left.

The Ultimate Nurse was alone in the room, and for once she's glad that no one is in because she was in a..... position where a guy who hasn't already met her want to... do something. After awhile, she was fortunately able to get herself standing again. However, she still felt the place where she has been hit. Before she can look in a mirror or reach first aid.

Someone came in the room.....

In class 78

The class attention was turned to someone who just slipped on a piece of paper and fell on their back. Asahina (Ult Swimming Pro) went up to the fallen boy and asked if he was alright, reaching out a hand. To where the person responded by chuckling and taking Asahina's hand.

???: The way you manage to slip on something as flat as paper. Your luck is a real mystery Naegi, or could it be considered your clumsiness?

The person just spoke was Kyoko (Ult Detective) who at first wasn't as opened or talkative. However, thanks to the person who was currently flat her back; Kyoko learned to be a little more expressive.

Asahina: Wow, I don't think you've ever talked this much before Kirigiri

Kyoko: Because I usually don't..... Are you ok Neagi?

Makoto: Yea I am, just a little bump on my back, but I'll be just fine

Makoto Naegi (Ult Lucky Student) is ...... so average that's actually an insane that he got into this school. He got an emission from a lottery and now he's here. Extremely friendly, over optimistic, and somewhat naive if anything. However, he can make friends with almost anyone from normally emotionless like Mukuro (Ult Soilder) to someone who prefers 2D. A real man's best friend.

Namiki (Low Esteem V.S High Optismism)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن