Chapter 35: Choices ✔️

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3rd Person P.O.V

It has been seven weeks since Dr Alice-Jean Lindsay was in her car accident and as it stood, things were not looking good.

At first, things were great, Alice was awake, laughing and joking about her situation with Will and Matt who both tried to visit every day without fail. Hank and Erin too.

She had a smile on her face when ever somebody would drop by to see her while she was stuck in bed. Will, Natalie, April, Gabby, Sylvie, Stelle, hell, everyone who had the bubblely doctor in their lives, tried to visit often.

Everyone seemed to miss the signs that lead to what came next.

They missed the loss of balance because she was in bed, unable to walk.

The missed the tiredness and dizziness because she was on multiple pain meds making her head hazy all day everyday.

And they missed the nausia and confusion because of the concussion she suffered in the accident.

So when, exactly one week after the accident, after Alice had been awake and absolutely fine... things went drastically down hill and nobody knew what was happening.

Alice had fallen asleep after a day-long headache that wouldn't go away, constant vomiting and falling in and out of consciousness for a hours.

Six hours after the doctor fell asleep, she suffered a seizure and slipped into a coma.

Leaving everybody broken and devastated.

It had been six weeks since the coma and nobody knew what was happening or when Alice was gonna wake up.

***Alice-Jean's P.O.V***

I woke up to nothing...

No, I mean it, literaly nothing, all around me was this white light, and was nothing.

I looked down at my self to see I was no longer wearing a hospital gown. instead I was wearing a white dress, it wasn't nothing extravagant, it was plain, white that came to just under my knees.

My hair fell at my shoulders and I noticed my arm and leg were no longer in a cast, my ribs didn't hurt when I breathed and I felt absolutly fine. As if my car crash never happened.

"Hello!!" I called out, hearing my voice echo in the light, my eyes searching for any sign of familiarity.

"Matt...Will...Erin...Hank!" I called out, taking a few uneasy steps towards me.

I felt my bare feet carry me forward until I felt something underneath me. I looked down to see I was not standing on grass. looking up I gasped as I saw the white nothingness turn into a large field filled with pink flowers. I knew this field, this was the field Hank and Camille took Erin, Justin and I before she found out she was ill, this was once of the best memories I had of my time with the Voight family.

I let out a sniffle and a tear rolled down my cheek as I saw a family infront of me laughing and joking, as if there was nothing else in the world but them.

I watched as they talked and laughed as if there was nothing in the world. Hank sat there with Camille in his arms as she talked to a younger me, while Justin and Erin argued over who was going to eat the last cupcake.

"You remeber this day, huh?" A voice ask from behind me. I jumped, turning quickly to see the one person I never expected to. There, in front of me, stood Camille Voight.

"Cam?" I asked, my voice getting stuck in my throat.

"Hey Ally cat." She smiled, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around me.

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