4) - frank is a drama queen

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"Frank, face it" Ray sighed, "you like him."

"No I don't, why does everyone seem to think so? Mikey was going on and on about how we'd be a great couple the other day, and don't even fucking get me started on Pete. Yeah, Gerard's attractive and he's nice - but I don't like him," Frank replied.

Frank can't like people romantically, he just can't. Liking someone means getting attached, and no, that's not something that Frank wants to do. Getting attached means falling in love - falling in love means ending up with a broken heart and regret.

"You're in denial," Ray said, "you-"

And thats when an angry Frank Iero got up off Ray's sofa, and just fucking left - leaving Ray sitting there wondering why the hell Frank was such a drama queen. And Frank was probably gonna go do something fucking stupid - like get drunk, and there really was no one to stop him.


"Frank!" His mum yelled down the phone when Frank finally answered - after the sixth call, "You better have a good excuse for being out at two in the morning! No calls to let us know that you're not dead! You could've been-"

"Will you just shut up for one second?" Frank replied, "I can't fucking hear myself think, and all you're doing is screaming done the fucking phone!"

"Frank!" His mom said, shocked. "That is no one a Catholic should be speaking, let alone to his own mother."

"Oh, fuck off if you're gonna start preaching the Bible to me here."

"What would God think? - When he sees you speaking to your mother like this? Using foul language?-"

"What would God think when he saw me just sucking another guys dick?"



Frank ended up drunk outside a very tired and very annoyed Tyler Joseph's house.

"Frank, what the fuck?"

"Sorry...I just, Ray was being annoying and I'm just a fucking idiot and-"

"You're drunk," Tyler concluded with a sigh, "I'm gonna regret this, but I'm a fucking nice person so I'm letting you spend the night."

"I-fuck, Tyler, I don't know what to do," Frank said, and he probably wouldn't have if it weren't for the fact that he had drunk a lot tonight. But there was a guy at the bar that kept buying him drinks and Frank wasn't one to turn durn free alcohol, especially not now. He may have sucked the same guy off in the club's bathroom (which was extremely gross).

"Ray is pissed at me, my mom knows that I'm not straight, and fuck-" and then Tyler's lips were on his own, angrily kissing him. Maybe this wasn't the best approach, but Frank was fucking kissing him back like he was born to do it.

But it's not like Frank could fuck up more than he already has, so fuck it.


Lmao that wasnt gonna happen but then I was like 'what's the worst possible thing that happen?' and then i wrote it and I rly needed a fuckin plot so ¿ but ya comment & stuff - ily

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