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100 years after the time of fire, the great city of Arella was raided.  As the people suffered, a council of the 7 great Feltäks met.  For years, my people had suffered, our civilization slowly torn apart as outsiders raided and pillaged our villages, remaking havoc wherever they went.  Those who survived, sook refuge in the great city, hoping to survive the coming slaughter.  But it was not to be.  As the last of the fortifications fell, the Feltäks locked the greatest of the cities treasures, the runestones, in a vault, bound by a spell so powerful that none could break it without the true key, which must be collected in order of it's pieces.  They split the key into ten pieces, and gave a piece each to ten young men, aged only to the 240th moon.  These brave souls were sent off, and told to protect their pieces of the key with their lives, or else all would be lost.  For the rune-stones held great power.  There were 4 in number, each with its own unique abilities.  The first was known as Azëhra, was the color of the stormy sky and gave the holder foresight, knowledge of the future.  The second of the stones, Deznäk, was the darkest of obsidians, and controlled the shadows.  The Third was teknôk, a golden amber that gave the user control of the light.  The fourth, genïta, a deep Azul that gave control over Emotions.  Long ago, there was said to be a fifth stone, lost centuries ago, that gave the user control of all of the eight elements; Earth, Air, Lightning, Fire, Light, Darkness, water, and life.  The keys to the rune-stones were passed down through the generations, father to son, mother to daughter.  24 moons ago, my families key fell to me.  We hold the third section of the key, and right now, it is the most important.  Because it's next in line. They already have one and two, and I'm all that stands between them, and the fourth key.  Once they kill me, and take my key, they can move on, and take the fourth.  But as long as I'm alive, they can't take the fourth section.  This is the story, or how I ran.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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