"What you going to call him?" Kassie played with the bow around its neck. "I have no clue" She admitted giggling. "Well we better get going, but have a cool day eh?" Calum nodded at Cheryl. "Yeah! i will, thanks guys" She told them smiling. "See you later!" The girls waved as they walked to the door and out.

"Wow, thats amazing!" Jenn laughed as she picked up the bear from Kassie's arms. "Its so cute!" Jodi cooed a little. "Yeah, okay...!" Cheryl laughed as she walked into the living room. "So what are we doing today?" She asked her friends. "We're going for lunch, then we'll see where the day takes us!" Kassie winked.



"You girls didnt have to take me for lunch then dinner tonight!" Cheryl sighed as they walked into their house. "Im pooped..." Jenn sighed. "Ew, the reference is tired Jenn!" Kassie rolled her eyes as she laughed. Just then Cheryl's phone chimed, and as she picked it from her pocket someone stood at the front door. She turned and looked at the man. "Hello?" She asked.

"Hello. Uh, delivery for Cheryl?" He asked. "At this time?" She raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, i was here earlier today...but we have to come back a few hours later in case." He nodded. "Oh, thank you. Yes, thats me" Cheryl noddded and the man held up a big bouquet of flowers, they were in a fancy box. "Thank you...very much" Cheryl took them a litle confused, she sat them down on the shelf in the hallway before signing the form. "Happy Birthday" He nodded before walking off.

Cheryl closed the door, and took the flowers in the living room confused. "Wow! those are beautiful! Who are they from"? Jodi asked. "I have no idea..." Cheryl sat down the flowers, a mix between roses, tulips, small petalled flowers, and a few medium sized lotus flowers. They were blue, purple and the bigger flowers were white. "Hmmm" Kassie spoke sitting down. "Why do i have a feeling...these may be from a special someone?" Kassie raised her eyebrows.

"Ooohh!" Jenn and Jodi cooed. "Like who...?" Cheryl asked. "Someone close, we know" Kassie grinned. "No, i dont think so." Cheryl shook her head as she leaned forward and picked out the small card. She opened the envelope and took out the card.

' Hi, Cheryl. I hope you got these on your birthday, Happy Birthday! You may be thinking how i know where your living haha, well turns out your friend Jodi, is a close friend to my cousin! Spencer. Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day. You deserve it. See you soon, lots of love, Jesse. xxx'

Cheryl read the note then looked at the girls. "What?" Kassie asked. "Its from....Jesse." She told them. "Jesse? The guy from college?" Jenn asked. "Yeah, turns out he's cousins with Spencer" Cheryl looked at Jodi. "Really?!" Jodi asked and Cheryl nodded. "Wow, those must've been some amount of dollars" Kassie looked at the large bunch of flowers. "Why is he sending you flowers? Like, he was a friend right?" Jenn asked. "Yeah, we talked. I didnt evem know he considered us friends. We just spoke" Cheryl shrugged.

"Ooh, girl..." Kassie looked at her. "Dont start!" Cheryl shook her head. "Is he nice?" Jenn asked. Cheryl rolled her eyes and got up, leaving the living room. "It was just a question" Jenn shrugged. "No, i think she's away to get her films...from her camera or her memory sticks..." Kassie nodded. "He's okay. Kinda cute, looks like an alpha male type guy, knows what he wants" Kassie giggled.

"How do you know what he looks like?" Jodi asked. "Because she showed me when we were in college. I asked her what she was doing, at the time she was out with some friends and him. Her friend...Hanna's boyfriend is also friends with him. I wanted pics!" Kassie shrugged.

Cheryl came back in with a memory stick and stuck it into her laptop, and waited http://www.wattpad.com/myworks/36785250/write/123831827till it loaded. Taking her phone again, she checked the text that came through.

Jesse : "Hi Chez, uhm...i hope you got your birthday gift today! Happy Birthday. Hope you had fun, and see you soon. xxx"

Shaking her head, Jodi asked a question. "Which one is him?" She asked. Cheryl looked up at the laptop. "Oooh, he's nice!" Jenn pointed to a boy. "Thats Hanna's boyfriend" Cheryl laughed quietly. "Theres Jesse" Cheryl pointed to him in the photo. "Oh, he is cute" Jodi smiled. "Now, I like him!" Kassie pointed to a guy behind Cheryl. "Oh, thats uh...Josh. Yeah, he liked my other friend Shay. She liked him, but they were in denial they liked each other. Josh was in most of my classes" Cheryl told them.

"Wooo! He's hot. Anymore pictures of him then?" Kassie asked. Cheryl laughed and rolled her eyes. "Folder two, some black and white pictures in there too" She mentioned. "OOH!" Kassie grabbed the laptop. "So is Jesse is nice guy?" Jodi asked. "Yeah, but he's dating a girl. Her name was Lea, and she hates me. Literally, because i knew what i was doing in my photoshop class...she was doing photography, it was like computer work" Cheryl shrugged.

Lea and Jesse started seeing each other, and when he started talking to me well she was pissed. Yet she didnt say anything to me, she just stood there...looking all flustered and pissed" Cheryl told them. "Probably jealous that your beautiful, and knew how to work it" Jenn winked and giggled.

"Well it was very nice of his but...he didnt have too..." Cheryl sighed. "Looks like youve got a secret admirer" Jodi winked at her.

Disconnected. (5SOS story/fanfic) {Sequel to 'Everything I didnt say'}Where stories live. Discover now