Roger x Myra smut (He's a bit shy in this one)

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I honestly enjoy Roger and Myra as good friends but man... it doesn't hurt shipping them every once in a while, right? I mean Myra has two hands for a reason. I hope Anastacius won't be salty over this. 
Ps: Anastacius x Myra x Roger are kinda in a ménage à trois so yeah.

  "May I kiss you?"

  Roger almost spat out the tea he was drinking. And thank god he didn't because he did not want to waste the tea Myra brewed for him.

  "I beg your pardon, Miss Myra?" 

  When he looked ahead, he was greeted by Myra's pretty face right in front of him. When she smiled, he thought his heart skipped a beat.

  "Did I startle you with my question, Sir Roger?" Myra's smile turned into an apologetic one. "I'm sorry if I did."

  "N-No, please. Don't apologise," Roger finally said after his initial shock came to a stop. Carefully, he placed the teacup back onto its saucer and cleared his throat. "Is there a reason why you suddenly want to kiss me?"

  Myra hummed and sat on the empty spot on the sofa beside him. "Can't I kiss someone just because I love them a lot?" she asked him humorously. "Besides, you and Sir Anastacius often ask me that question almost every day. Can't I do the same to you two?"

  Well, she did have a point. It was a bit embarrassing for Roger to admit the number of times he had shyly asked her if he could kiss her whenever they were alone. 

  Fortunately, Anastacius was not with them in Myra's room for tonight. Apparently, Jennette managed to drag him, Ijekiel and Lucas to have a movie marathon. Perhaps Felix, Claude and the two other ladies joined in, he had no idea, really.

  So it was just him and Myra.

  ... It felt nice, not having Anastacius invade his personal space whenever he tried to make a move on Myra even though the three were pretty much a... throuple? Was that the right word?

  But this time, it was Myra who was making a move on him. And if she was the one who's initiating anything first, Anastacius would most likely let her do whatever she wanted to do with him and the duke.

  Roger cleared his throat and tried to avert his gaze from Myra, but it was hard for him to do so when she was looking at him expectantly with those expressive amber eyes of hers.

  "I... I didn't say no to your question, for your information," Roger mumbled. "So feel free to do whatever you want."

  Myra lit up after he said that and she didn't hesitate to plant a kiss on Roger's lips. It was short yet sweet, but he wished it lasted a bit longer.

  She licked her lips and let out a sweet hum. "I can taste some of the tea you drank," she told him. 

  The touch of her lips on his continued to linger for a moment. 

  Roger thought it was weird for someone his age to be acting flustered over something like this. Was it just him or was her office getting a bit warmer all of a sudden? 

  "May I kiss you again?"

  Roger widened his eyes in surprise when Myra scooted even closer to him until their knees brushed up against each other. 

  "... You may."

  A soft laugh escaped from the brunette's lips as she caressed Roger's cheek. The way her thumb rubbed his cheek almost melted him. Was he always this touch-deprived? He thought it was weird of Anastacius to crave for Myra to touch him anywhere all the time... but he now understood him, for the first time in forever.

Three is a crowd // WMMAP one-shotTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang