I don't have a good title but it's Roger x Myra and it's fluff

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  Roger had to admit it.

  He was fond of Myra.

  Of course, not in the same way Anastacius was fond of her. It was more of a... platonic kind of fondness that Roger rarely felt with anyone he had interacted with in Obelia.

  Perhaps it was Myra's friendly and easy-going nature that made him appreciate the young woman's presence more. Being surrounded by other nobles who, just like him, had their own ulterior motives and hid them with polite smiles, it was rather nice to be around someone like her who was genuine most of the time.

  Or maybe it was because of Myra's smile. 

  He's not too sure how he should describe it, but her smile would always put him in a better mood... or maybe it was just her in general that would make him happier.

  "My boss definitely has some kind of vendetta against me if she keeps dumping all of this work to me even though she 'loves me so much'," Myra mumbled annoyedly while flipping through the documents in the file. 

  "Your boss should consider getting herself an assistant," Roger told her, his golden yellow eyes glancing over at the stack of files in front of her. "Aren't you supposed to be just an observer? You're not supposed to do work your boss should be doing."

  It hadn't been that long since he started to visit Myra in her room after a day of reacting to Princess Athanasia's life. Even though Anastacius was the one who visited her privately the most often, Roger definitely came in second place.

  While Anastacius acted more of a lover to Myra and did cute couple stuff together like cuddling, cooking together and dancing around the living room, Roger was more of a good friend of hers who'd often check up on her. She often had to stay up late at night to finish her work so the duke would offer his assistance to her.

  Myra just sighed tiredly. It was rare for her to show this side to anyone. Only Roger and Anastacius had seen her like this. "I have told her to get an assistant earlier... but she rarely listens to me unless I'm talking about you and the others," she told him with a weak smile. "You should see the stupid grin on my boss' face whenever I bring you up in our meetings."

  Roger only blinked. "... I don't really want to imagine that, to be honest," he admitted.

  A soft chuckle escaped her lips. "The boss would surely be sad if she heard you saying that, Sir Roger."

  "Well, thank goodness she's unable to do that in here." 

  Roger didn't really have to do much tonight. He just had to make sure that everything was in order after Myra signed every document without looking through the contents properly.

  "I can't thank you enough for helping me out again, Sir Roger," Myra said while her hands were still moving. "I actually feel a bit bad for constantly letting you and even Sir Anastacius worry about me."

  "Don't be," he reassured her. "You're a... good friend of mine. And I want to help you in any way I can."

  Myra looked at him, speechless at first. Then, she smiled brightly at the duke. "You're too kind, Sir Roger."


  Roger cleared his throat. "You're the only one who'd think of me as a kind man, I swear," he said while tugging on the collar of his shirt. 

  He hoped she didn't notice the faint blush on his face.

  Seriously, what was up with him lately?

  Roger thought it was nice enough that he was good friends with her. But lately... his thoughts had wandered elsewhere.

  'There's no way I like her the same way Anastacius likes her,' Roger thought, looking a bit frustrated with himself. What was he thinking? Liking a woman years younger than him even though she was already an adult? He only saw her as a friend! 

  Nothing more and nothing less.

  When he looked at Myra again, she was already back to focusing on finishing her work for the night. It was a small habit of hers to mumble out random words while working, something Roger found as adorable.

  ... Oh, her hair. It was covering her face a bit.

  Roger silently stared at Myra. 

  Then, without wasting a second thought, Roger scooted a bit closer to Myra and gently tucked her hair behind her ear. The tip of his fingers had accidentally tickled her cheek when he tucked her hair and it caught her off guard.

  "Ah?" Myra looked at the duke in confusion. "Sir Roger?"

  Perhaps it was tiredness finally catching up to him. Because instead of putting his hand away, he still took this as a chance to tuck more strands of her hair behind. He didn't even notice that he was so close to her.

  "It looked like your hair was bothering you a bit and it was covering your face from my perspective," Roger said with a straight face. When he realised what he was doing, he widened his eyes and quickly pulled his hand away. "I'm sorry. I didn't know what came over me just now."

  Instead of thinking of him as weird, Myra just smiled at him again. This time, it was a teasing kind of smile. "Sir Roger, you can just say that you wanted to see my face," she said before she unexpectantly reached a hand out to his head. He could only let her continue to pat his silver hair. "I mean, If your hair was covering your handsome face, I'd also do the same thing as you."

  "... Handsome?" Roger repeated in a quiet voice. When she finally stopped patting his head, a small part of him wished she continued doing it. And a larger part of him wanted to tell her to touch him more.

  Myra had let out a yawn and Roger also did the same. She chuckled lightly. "Let's get this over with as soon as possible, okay Sir Roger? After this, we can finally sleep peacefully for the rest of the night."

  "Of course," was all he said before he fell silent again.

  The warm touch from Myra's hand lingered on Roger's hair and he ran his fingers through his hair. When Myra gave him the file she was holding onto the whole time, he did his job as usual.

  Even though he looked calm on the outside, inside, he was an absolute mess.

  '... God damn it,' Roger thought, finally realising too late that he had fallen into a rabbit hole that he could never get out of. 'I swear Anastacius is going to kill me if he ever finds out about this.'


Anastacius is jealous that Roger spent private time with Myra even though he's the one who spends the most time with her.  

I didn't really have anything planned when writing this one-shot. I just wanted to write something Roger x Myra related because I think Myra is able to make anyone fall for her without her having to try so hard.

Oh! And just to let you guys know, everything that's happening in this one-shot book? It doesn't happen in the react fic. Think of it as some kind of canon divergence.

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