CHAPTER 3 (the truth)

Start from the beginning

⚠️ Slight smut ahead. You've been warned.

We began kissing furiously. I licked his lips asking for entrance. He immediately granted I slipped my tongue inside his mouth and dominated the kiss in an instant. He began fiddling with the hem of my t-shirt. I took it from his hand and slipped it off my body.

He broke the kiss breathing hard. "Tell me to stop if it gets too much" I said before slipping his shirt off and began nibbling on his jaw and neck. I bit down on the spot where his collarbone met his neck. He moaned loudly. "Is this okay?" I asked. He nodded his head.

I immediately stopped everything. He seemed confused. "I only take verbal confirmation " I said with a smile. He kissed me and said against my ear " Please fuck me Dalton." He said. And I did. It was our first time so I was a little panicked but the moment I entered his hole. I felt bliss. I began moving in a slow pace and gradually picked up speed. M was a moaning mess underneath me. I chocked him and asked "Do you like being fucked like this huh?" "Yes" he moaned out.

After a while he came after I pumped him, I followed him over the edge. I cleaned him up, discarded the condom and cuddled him to sleep.
⚠️Smut over

The next morning when I woke up I was over the moon. I felt around for M but he was nowhere. I frowned a little, surely he won't go without waking me after out first time right?

I searched the whole house he was nowhere. Was I a meaningless fuck to him? Why would he do this? I began crying.

After crying for over an hour I cleaned myself up and went to school, determined to clear the air between us.

When I entered the school everyone was looking at me. It's not surprising because although I was fairly good at sports and studies. M and I were considered the freaks of the school. But today the stares seemed a bit different. I shrugged it off.

I saw M talking with a guy from our biology class. I ran up to him. Breathing heavily I asked " Hey, c-can we uh. talk?" After a second I also added "alone?"

"No." With a single word he got left with the boy. He didn't even look at me. Assuming he still needed some time to think about yesterday's events, I didn't go after him.

"Faggot" I heard several girls murmuring. A girl even sneered at me. Although I was considered the freak, nobody tried to outright call me names till now.

I just ignored them and went to my english class. Jim my bench partner and friend suddenly asked "hey how you holding up?"

I furrowed my brows in confusion. Seeing the look on my face he asked confused " you haven't seen the video yet?" My heart dropped what video, no it can't be. Without thinking I shook my head.

Jim handed me his phone and showed me the video "sorry man". It was a video of my first kiss with Midge. I froze the angle exposed my full face but you can't see the person I was kissing. I thanked god that Midge's face was not visible in the video. I didn't care about the opinions of others but he did.

"Do you know who did it?" I asked although I know most likely he didn't. "I don't know man. Midge sent this to me" No no no no no no no no. This can't be true. He would never do this. Jim is a lier. I have to check up on M. He was probably freaking out.

I ran out of the classroom after handing Jim his phone and went to Midge's class. I knew his schedule like my own so I knew he had biology. Fortunately the teacher was not here yet. I grabbed Midge's arm when suddenly a guy said " look the faggot is about to take the freak to make out."

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