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as mom left the house im thinking of how i tell jay about this im going to meet the person next next two weeks from now how am i tell that person that i have a lover and i can't marry him because i love jay very much 

i only agreed with mom because i don't want her to be dissapointed and so down because she always do her best to be best mom and be best CEO to the company that will soon to be mine 

i don't want my mom lost a business partner because of me that's why i agree 

my thoughts vanish when the door opens as i looked at the clock its 1 am in the midnight as i saw him walking towards me he put a fake smile like he is hiding something or maybe he was tired because of driving 

"honey are you okay?" i asked him as he only nodded "lets sleep?" he looks tired so i nodded and he hugged from behind i was about to open my room when he stop walking 

"sleep with me tonight baby" he said as i nodded as we walk he still bac hugging me he open the door and we cuddle up he only put his shirt and pants away he sleeps with boxer only i know that because he go out his room with boxer only like everyday 

i chuckle as he hugged me again he is more sweet to night 

"good night love, i love you very very much, only you" he said as he kiss my forehead 

"i love you too honey, good night" i said and kiss him to his lips 

i face the another side he spooning me, as i can't handle my tears and it flows down 

im really sorry jay, im cheating to the most caring and very sweet person on earth 


"im sorry hyung i think i can't keep your promise" i said to heeseung hyung when i walk towards his desk he only looked at me 

"what promise" "about jay" i looked down as he only tap my shoulder 

"what's the problem?" he asked "nothing" i said not wanting to make eye contact with him "okay there is something wrong, will talk after class, at the cafe?" i only nodded and he smile at me as i return a small pout and went back to my seat 


"so what's wrong tell me very detail" he said  as i told him everything now he understand why i can't keep my promise 

"so in short you are arrange marriage to son of your mother's business partner and jay not know about this and you're gonna keep this secret until he finds out?" he explain 

"yeah but cut off the until he finds out, i want to tell him before anyone does" i said to him as he sip on his coffee 

"why don't you just tell him right now, he will understand" he said as i cover my face with my palm "noooo hee hyung, im scared okay?" i said 

"he is the most precious thing to me i can't bare to see him suffering and getting hurt" i said as i looked outside there he is standing there waiting for me as i receive a call from jay 

"i have to go" i said as i stood up "im going with you im going to ride with jay too" i frown as i tilt my head "practice" he wide his eyes as i forgot our daily practice every weekdays only 1 months and we're going to perform 

"oh yeah" i chuckle as i did too we went out of the cafe and walked across to meet jay that was looking to his watch i hugged him as he hugged me back as we her a cough

"i didn't know that you two already dating i mean its obvious i just want you too to reveal it" sunoo said with his sassy tone as we all laugh and niki ruffle his hair 

"congrats hyung" i smile at him "did you know i have feeling for you back then but i thought you might reject me" niki confess that made me shock 

"yah we have feeling for each other back then, we're the one suppose date each other" i said as i looked at niki then to jay that glaring at us then sunoo that folds his arms infront of his chest 

"soooo if niki wasn't my boyfriend maybe jay hyung will" sunoo said and grab jay arms that jay gladly take and went to jay's car 

"YAH!! PARK JAY!!/ KIM SUNOO!!" niki and I both shouted in unison 

i went to my seat which at the back while i sit beside niki then sunoo sat beside niki then heeseung hyung sit on shotgun seat then jay was driving 

I keep glaring at jay but he was too focus to the road which is i done really complain because he was driving i don't want to die at least not now

my eyes suddenly hurt from glaring at him and i feel dizzy as niki notice it 

"you okay hyung?" niki said as he peeking at my face "im okay my head just feeling dizzy" i said as he nodded and as he make my head lean to his shoulder its normal to us both as we are bestfriend we do this stuffs

but i guess our boyfriend don't 

the car suddenly speed up as i looked at jay as he was tooooooo focus to the road 

"YAHH!! IM SINGLE BUT WHY DO I HAVE TO EXPRIENCE THIS KIND OF SHIT!!!" hee hyung shouted as he grip to the holder the car speed more luckily the road was empty and there's no traffic inforcer 

i hugged niki for support and praying for our survival i didn't know this is how jay to be jealous he was so aggressive 

"BROOOO THAT GET US KILLED!!" hee hyung was shouting me and niki hugging each other and sunoo was glaring at us niki almost forgot sunoo he hugged sunoo too with his another arm as jay keep the speed


once we get there all i wanted to do is to poke hee hyung poke to the nearest rest room as i hold it back as i saw jay came out fro his car i smack his chest 

"you almost get us killed" i said pouting as him "but we didn't" he said with cold tone as he walked passed me 

"yahh, park jay stop there" jay didn't stop walking "stop there or no kisses for the rest of the week" and that jay stop

i know your weakness honey 

"what?" he said with no expression i walk over him "i love you and im sorry love" i said with pleading eyes then gave him a lot of pecks on his lips 

"i love you too" he said hiding his smile with my last kiss he held my nape and keep the kiss deep as we both smile between the kiss 

"lets go now love" he said as we let go the kiss and he smile at me sweetly as i return it with most adorable smile i could do 

he held my hand and we both walked to the campus, we're walking at the hallway happily until my mom remind me about the meet us with my future husband its tomorrow after class, my smile drop 

i looked at jay, we are so happy why there is someone will ruin it? 

i hope jay will understand and stay by my side after he found out about this, I trust him


and cut!!! are you curious why i update late at night? its because i have a lot of thought at night i don't even know why am i like this either hehe

anyways someone will pop up in the next chaper so stay and wait for him he is a cool guy i promise 

sorry errors and grammatically wrong

i love you guys thank you for reading this book im so happy truly 

so see you in privatters i guess???

words: 1353

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