4. Isn't it lovely all alone

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Authors POV
Yoonjae was sitting in his room wondering what could go wrong with his parents that made them separate.  "Seems like my fluff bear is in deep thoughts." It was Taeyong.  "No mama it's just that I feel a bit worried about studies." "Nonsense I know when you lie I can see your hands shaking baby now tell mama what's wrong hmm" "I want to know how you and dad separated as I heard from people they said you were the unbreakable couple." The child said. Taeyong sighs and said "May be you need to wait for the right time." Hearing this Yoonjae smiles and goes to kitchen. Soon he begins to bake his favourite red velvet cake. The cake turned so delicious that it's smell roams in the entire mansion. The smell reached to Jaehyun's office and also in the twins room. Yoonjae takes two pieces of the cake and goes to his room. As he went the trio (Jaehyun, Taeoh and Taehyun) attacks the kitchen. Without thinking twice they began to eat hungrily. Yoonjae who came in the kitchen saw them and stood frozen but the trio were too busy to see him. He smiled and clicked a pic of them silently.

Yoonjae's pov
I left from there with a smile on my face. Sheepishly I left the house from the backdoor (stan stray kids). I heard a car honk and knew who it was. It was Yuto and Chan. Soon we left and went to a peaceful place. I already told mama and now I am here enjoying my life in this moment with my friends. I smile on my friends silly antics. May god let us live like this.  After eating we played volleyball and did some childish things. I don't want this day to end to be honest. Soon I felt sleepy and slept.

Author's Pov
Chan and Yuto saw how cutely he slept.

(Author:-even I can't wake this cutie)"Hyung I cannot wake him so how about we go and please carry him

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(Author:-even I can't wake this cutie)
"Hyung I cannot wake him so how about we go and please carry him." Chan said. Yuto being a nice hyung he obeyed. The drive was peaceful and they came to the great Jung mansion to leave their friend. They entered the halls and the moment was unexpected. Chan saw all his uncles and that's when he knew he fu*ked up. "What are you doing here Chan." Johnny asked. "Well sir I decided to bring my friends home from our little library hangout."Yuto said "Oh mr Adachi didn't knew you were friends with my son." Mark said glaring Chan. Mark and Jaehyun despise their sons. "well I should  apologise as they were late because of me." The elder said. "No problem son we'll have a seat we are here to discuss business." Yuta said humbly. Adachi Yuto was the only ceo of Adachi & co and also he is the student at high school. Yuto himself made the company powerful that people want to collaborate with him. Chan looked at his friend at suprise. Yuto's face changed and he said "first can you tell where is Yoonjae's room cause we all forgot that he still asleep." Jaehyun who saw his son sleeping and his friend is giving him piggy back. "I will take him give him to me." He himself was shocked to hear this words. Chan was so shocked that is shock was the person that that would be Chan. Who can blame him it was new for everyone in the hall that the great Jung Jaehyun caring about his son who he hate. As Jaehyun left Yuto sat down and they began to talk about business. Everyone praised the student who gave good ideas for business. Chan who was sitting next to Yuto laid his head on his friend's shoulder and closed his eyes. The male made sure that Chan was comfortable so he carefully made Chan's head position so that he doesn't get neck ache. The olders smiled at his gesture. Mark smirked and said. "So mr Adachi I have a great deal for you how about you get married with Chan and we collaborate our companies." This was like a missile drop for everyone. The younger's jaw clenched and he growled before saying "Chan is like my brother Mr Lee and I already have a partner also if you want our companies to collab then come to my office not here." This offended Mark. Johnny being the peace maker he sort this out. The male was ready to leave when they all heard a voice "let's all have dinner together as we all are here." It was Jung Donna aka Taeyong. Yuto never felt that he is an orphan because Taeyong always took care of him as his own child ever since he was young. All sat on the dining table

Taeyong himself served everyone

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Taeyong himself served everyone. The food was surely good. It was Jaehyun's favourite items.

"I must say Tae it's been years since we had your handmade dishes

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"I must say Tae it's been years since we had your handmade dishes." Doyoung said and everyone agreed. The house filled with happiness and laughter. Taeyong was very happy. " Oh by the way tomorrow you all have to come even you Yuto as we are having party so please do come." Jeno said. Soon everyone left and the house was empty. Taeyong turned and saw his husband glaring at him. A sound of slap was heard. Taeoh and Taehyun were shocked as their father never abused their mother in front of them. Jaehyun was so angry that he began to abuse his poor husband with belt. Taeyong's cries were heard all across. Taeoh looked at his mother who almost passed out. Jaehyun stopped and went out. Taehyun went to his mother and tapped his cheek to check. Low brefathing,bruises,blood describe the condition of Taeyong at the moment. Without thinking second Taeoh picked his mother and took him to his room. The doctor was called for treatment. "I'm sorry young master but your mother is suffering from heart disease. " Taehyun who's eyes cared now filled with hate. He rolls his eyes and leaves the room. Taeoh got shocked so he left the room and went out to the balcony. He heard sobs from the terrace so he peeked to look it was Yoonjae. The cute face was extremely red from crying. The older looked at younger who was Mumbai some words. The sentence caught his attention was "Isn't it lovely all alone." Taeoh stood there frozen hearing this he couldn't hold so he went back to his room where his mom was there. Looking at him he felt asleep. The Moon was witnessing everything. It was a Deja Vu as this scene happened when Taeoh was young. He used to sleep looking at mother who is already asleep. The night was surely unforgettable

Being a villain is good than being a hero.

DEAR DAD Jung Yoonjae au Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora