More enemies

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After Bob killed the mother. We went back to the battlefield and it seems Ciel was right the spiders were fleeing. I spotted Beelzebub and walked over there.

Beelzebub : oh there you are rimuru you had me worried when you disappeared.

Rimuru : why would you be worried!!this great me will never get hurt because I am far more superior than everyone else.

Beelzebub : oh I forgot about that.

Then Bob walks in.

Beelzebub : woah! Who are you?

Rimuru : this is Bob! Our new friend!!

Beelzebub : oh is that so... Then nice to meet you Bob my name is Beelzebub! The slime king and The first friend of Rimuru tempest!

He grows a tentacle and holds it up to Bob. Bob nods and shakes his tentacle that I guess is supposed to be a hand.

Rimuru : now that the introductions are done. Let us go on our merry way!

Beelzebub : yeah!! Let's gooo!!

I then ordered the chimeras to devour every corpses here and leave nothing behind.

{You have acquired the following skills :

Instrinct skill:

Steel thread

Sticky thread

Wall climb

Poison silk

Unique skill:

Eye of corruption and destruction

That is all}

Rimuru : 'huh?who was the unique skill from Ciel?  '

[ the mother spider master ]

Rimuru : 'then why did she not use it at the fight?? '

[ she most likely thought that her servants can handle it. And it also seems that the reason she did not use it and tried to escape instead is because it has consequences ]

Rimuru:' I wonder what the consequences are.. Well I'll find that out later. Right now we need to move'

Rimuru : alright everyone let's go deeper!!

三三ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ  三三ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ 三三ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

Smol time skip

As we we're walking. Bones suddenly grew from the ground almost impaling me.luckily I managed to move in time. The others weren't so lucky tho. Bob's head was pierced by a bone and so are his limbs. Beelzebub on the other hand was full of bones.

Rimuru : are you guys ok?!?

Beelzebub : yeah just give me a second.

The bones in Beelzebub's body dissolved.

Rimuru : oh right slimes can do that. What about you Bob.

I turned to look at him but he was already pulling the bone out of his head. I looked down and saw piles of bones. So he already pulled all of the bones out?

[ that is quite obvious master ]

Rimuru : ' why are you so mean to me Ciel?? '

[ .... ]

*clap clap clap*

Rimuru : huh?

I looked at the source of the sound to find a skeleton wearing a priest's cloak leaning against the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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