This mere thought only brought tears in my eyes. I know i shouldn't be thinking of him but i can't help it. It's true when they say that don't expect much from someone if you don't want to get hurt, and i did the same and now see how bad my heart is hurting.

But i will fight till my last breathe, i won't ever give up just like that. My train of thoughts stopped when the door got opened again and this time three people came inside, one of them was that bitch Layla and other two had their faces covered, but i can figure it out, that one is man and other is woman.

"Oh see who we have there Shravan, our dear niece." the lady spoke in a familiar tone and my eyes widen at her voice and the name she mentioned.

"Uncle! Aunt!" i exclaimed.

"I  see you have a great sense of recognition." she spoke and they both removed their face masks and i was still shocked that they were the ones who kidnapped me.

"But why?" i asked, never in my wild dreams  i thought that they can do this, i mean i know that they never liked me, but kidnapping me and i don't even know that why would they do that, is some extreme level of hatred they have for me.

"Well its time for revelations and confessions my dear niece." this time my uncle spoke with an ugly smile on his face.

"What revelations and confessions?" i asked with my voice trembling. I can feel that this is not going to be good.

"You see the company which i am running, The Walia corporations, your father was the owner of the company and was previously known as The Nandra corporations, before they died or i should say murdered." uncle spoke with a smirk on his face and my breathing quicken up on his words.

"Murdered?" i whispered with my voice trembling. This can't happen.

"Yes the truck which hit your parents, the driver of the truck was hired by us and now you are also going to join your parents soon, but before you have to sign some papers." he said casually and i gasped.

"You murdered them?" i stammered

"Yes." he answered casually like he doesn't have any guilt.

"How could you do that!? How could you murder your own cousin and his wife making their daughter an orphan. How could you and what was their fault that you monsters murdered them, we weren't even in touch for years, then why did you made my life hell by taking them away from me?" i screamed at them with tears continuously flowing from my eyes. My whole life i was thinking that they died due to the accident, but no it was planned by the monsters standing in front of me.

If it weren't for them, my mom dad would have been here, with me, living happily, but these cruel people ruined every thing.

"Because i wanted all the fame, money, company which your father had, so i decided to kill them and snatch every thing from them." uncle answered.

TW: Abuse

"For just some company and money, you decided to kill them and made their 5 year old kid an orphan. How can you even do that and why did you not killed me with them, it would have been much better than all the years i lived with you monsters." i screamed at them and immediately i felt a sting on my left cheek and my face turned sideways.

"Don't shout at us you bitch just sign those papers so can we can send you to your parents." this time my aunt spoke while holding my chin in a tight grip and layla brought some papers in her hands.

"What is in the papers?" i asked her 

"According to the will of your father, if something happened to him , then the company would be given to you at the age of 25, till then it would be handled by me, but if something happens to you, then all the properties, company, investments your father had, would be given to the charity, that's why we didn't kill you, we planned to kill you after making  you sign the property transfer papers when you turn 25, but in all these you got married to Siddharth, so your legal custody meant nothing after your marriage, so we blackmailed him to Divorce you other wise we will kill his mother and brother and will expose him about his deed with roshni and that will make him fall in the market so he agreed to divorce you, now that you are again in our custody, just sign these papers, so that i can be the sole owner of this company." Uncle said and rage filled me, they want to get my dad's  hard work just like that. I will never let that happen, I'll not let my dad's hard work go in vain. And they said that they forced Siddharth to Divorce me, he didn't divorced me with his will.

"Now what are you thinking, sign them." aunt shouted at me.

"No i am not signing these papers, this is my dad's hard work and i won't let that go in vain, do whatever you want, but i am not signing them." i spat at her face and a punch landed on my face. Blood started dripping  from my lower lip.

"I am used to all this you bitch with your grace, these simple punches and slaps can't break me. Do whatever you want." i said and another punch landed in my stomach making me spit blood and this time it was my uncle.

"Sign them bitch." he said and yanked me roughly with my hair.

"Never." i said.

"So you won't do it in an easy way, you really want me to torture like you i used to do, it's okay then as you wish." he said and backed away from me. I coughed out blood, i know what is about to come, but this time i am not giving up, i'll fight till my last breathe for my parents.

I heard him unbuckling his belt and i raised my head upwards.

"I am giving you a last chance to sign them." he said 

"And my answer is same." i spat at him.

"Ok then, layla untie her from the chair and then hold her, you too neeharika." uncle said and she did as she was told.

And soon i felt pain in my back, i felt like my bones were breaking but i kept myself together.

"Sign them." he said and again hit me, but i shook my head.

He kept hitting me and i spit out blood a few times. He didn't stopped until he was satisfied and when he did, i didn't have the power to even stand on my legs.

I fell down as they loosened their hold on me.

"This wouldn't be happening if you would have agreed to sign peacefully." layla said for the first time.

"I am not a coward like you." i answered her with a difficulty and she slapped me making me spit more blood. I guess i am going to die with the amount of blood i am spitting

I saw uncle as he picked up a knife from the table and started coming towards me with a sinister smirk on his face.

"I missed so much doing all this, did you?" he mumbled as he dragged his knife on my face.

I closed my eyes and waited for him to sank his knife in my face but instead i heard a screech of tyres stopping which alerted all of them and my eyes shoot open.

TW Ends.

"Who the hell came here?" uncle yelled as he backed away from me.

"This is an abandoned area who can come here?" aunt said worriedly.

"Hey let's not freak out what if someone just lost his way and ended up here." layla said with a nervous tone and i mentally prayed that if someone lost their way then please enter this mansion.

And as if my prayers were answered, the door of this abandoned mansion opened with a loud bang and i heard few footsteps coming towards us and soon i came face to face with the person i least expected to be.


So here's the chapter.

This chapter was the hardest to write🥺

I can't wait to write next chapter 🌝🌚

If you liked the chapter, then please do inline comments.

We will meet soon in next chapter, till then

Love you all, stay safe.

Devil's Replaced BrideOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz