Chapter 1.

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I knew I couldn't escape, but I had to try. A rusted door stood in front of me. Not much else I can say about this room. Just a rusted door, and a light dangling above me. I wasn't sure about that door. Maybe I shouldn't open it-- YET.

I looked around the metal room. Wow. All metal? I feel like a rat in a cage... I looked back at the door. What could that door lead me to? Freedom? Death? It could honestly be ANYTHING! I slowly approached the door. My hands shaking, my palms beginning to drip sweat. I raise my hand towards the doorknob. Just before I grabbed a hold of the knob, I heard it wiggle.

Someone was trying to get in! I slowly stepped back. Who could it be? No, better yet-- WHAT could it be? Mid thought, the door burst open. I saw a silhouette of a woman. She was tall, thin, and from what I could tell, had long, curly hair.... They looked... Familiar-- too familiar...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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