Chapter 5: Anistar City|

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Poll Winner: Sylveon 2 Adrian grumbled irritably, you had dragged him through marsh lands for almost a week to get to Dendamille, and immediately left after changing clothes, making him the most angry he'd ever been. Then, then, you dragged him through 6 feet of snow on a Mamoswine, while Arcanine played in the snow behind you. Thankfully, that route was much shorter, and you guys got to Anistar within a day. You then spent an hour in the boutique, talking animatedly with a girl about the care of Pokémon eggs, and how much you both loved the sweaters that were on sale that day. Adrian ended up being pulled inside, into the conversation. You found out her name was Ami, and that she was originally from Hoenn, you then proceeded to push Adrian into conversing with her while you looked over more sweaters. (Okay, yes, you were trying to get him a girlfriend. He was lonely, and annoying, and she was lovely- jusT KISS ALREADY PLEASE-) 2 You ended up being pulled, bodily, from the boutique by Adrian, whose face was red with embarrassment and anger. He then forced you back onto Arcanine's back with Chinchou, while he and the adorable Espurr got on behind you. You were forced to leave pretty much immediately after, going over to Couriway Town to stay the night. "Adrian-" "No, just sit there, and be quiet. You've been 'missing' for 10 Days. We. Are. Going. Home." She let out a loud sigh of exasperation, flopping her face into Arcanine's fur, a loud, annoying whine coming out of her mouth. "But I'll-" she began to whine, being cut off by the visibly irritated Adrian. "No, stop talking right now. We're going back home. No matter how much you whine about it." He hissed, making the girl groan loudly. "This is why I don't bring you when I run off." She grumbled, Chinchou jumping off of Arcanine's head, and down her back to chirp at Espurr, who Adrian had been carrying the whole time. "Be quiet."

Alola Y/n!! (Sun and Moon x reader) RebootWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu