Prisoner Of Your Eyes

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It was around 1 a.m. when I jumped awake, my heart was racing. It sounded like someone was throwing something at my window. I jumped out of my chair.

I glanced over and saw a tiny pebble hit my window. I heard slight music playing in the back. The song was Prisoner Of Your Eyes by Judas Priest.

I opened the window to see the one and only Eddie Munson. He was holding up a boom box and I couldn't help but blush-it was just like the movies.

"Eddie Munson? What are you doing here?" I whisper shouted.

"Hey Tammy. I heard you're grounded. Im here to help. I don't know what I'm helping with...I'm just here to help. This song is for you."

"This is sweet and all, but keep it down. You'll wake my parents! If my parents find out I'm hanging out with you, I'll be grounded until graduation. You wouldn't want that to happen now, would you?"

"No way. I need you there to walk across the stage with me." He turned down the music a few notches.

A few moments of silence went by before he finally spoke up.
"Come out with me."

"Now? It's 1 a.m. are you insane?"

"Maaybe." He said in a sing-songy voice.

"How about since I can't come out of this room, you can come to me. How does that sound?"

"It's a deal."

He quickly climbed through my window.


The night went by in a flash. I asked him to play music on his boom box but the only songs he had with him were by Judas Priest. I took a closer listen to the song he played outside my window before I realized it.

It was a love song.

Eddie Munson, the freak, played me a love song.

Oh god.

"You know, it's only been a day since I've seen you last, but, I've missed you so much. I just needed to see you again." He confessed, while we were sitting on my roof, "you're already breaking my heart here, Tam."

Tam?? Since when did anybody call me Tam?

"What did you just call me." I blurted out, shocked by the new nickname.

"Am I not allowed to call you Tam?"

"No you can, it's just... nobody's ever given me a nickname before." I smiled at my feet.

"As I was saying, this song is about a break up, which is not us. But, it is about needing to be with someone and missing them all the time. That's how I feel about you." He nervously smiled and fidgeted with his hands.

I grabbed his hand and we made eye contact, smiling at each other.

I slowly started to lean in, before I stopped myself

What the fuck was I doing?

I needed to focus on everything else in my life before I could focus on Eddie. I could barely even focus on anything else but Eddie as a matter of fact. I could not risk my cheer life for Eddie. I quickly pulled away without another thought.

"I'm sorry. I can't. Not right now." I squeezed my eyes shut. I hated to do this. I wanted him more than anything, I just can't have him, "I just got kicked off the cheer team, I need to focus on myself."

"I understand. I'm sorry if I initiated anything."

"I should be the one who's sorry. I feel so guilty. I've lead you on."

"Don't worry about it Tammy."

"I just want to be alone right now." I climbed back into my window, Eddie followed me in, gave me a hug goodbye, grabbed his things and left without another word.

Just like always, I shut people out. Whenever somebody comes along and wants to be with me, I get in the way. I overthink and ended up shutting them out all together. I really wanted things to be different with Eddie.

Last year, I dated Billy, I got in my head about all the other girls he could have been with, shut him out, and before I could mend things with him, he died in the mall fire. I did not want a repeat of last year. Along with my fear of rejection, it's my conscious holding myself back from being with Eddie. In fear of all the names and reactions I would get. In all honesty, I would have time to manage a job, cheer, and a boyfriend. If Chrissy does it, I can do it. I pretend that is what is holding me back, but deep down I know it's not.


The next morning, I woke up with my bedroom window wide open. A cool breeze was flowing in. The sun was shining and it looked like a beautiful day out, only I wasn't allowed to do anything.

Nancy had her friend Robin sleep over, so they were downstairs having breakfast.

I decided to go and join them, any socializing was good for me right now.

My mom was downstairs, watching the morning news. I stood in the kitchen next to the tv.

"Good morning mom."

"Good morning Tammy. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah.", I lied.

"Good. I'm making breakfast for Nancy and Robin. Would you like some?"

"Yes, please." I sat down at the table next to Robin.

"Hey mom, can I be excused from my grounding, just for today? I want to go out and find a job." I pleaded.

She let out a loud sigh, "Fine. Where do you think you'll be able to work? The hot spots for jobs burned down last year."

"I don't know. I'll find something. I know theres an arcade nearby, a roller rink..." I was naming off places.

"Family Video is hiring." Robin interrupted, "Didn't mean to interrupt. I work there, so does Nancy's ex, Steve. We're seriously desperate for workers."

"Okay. I'll check it out. Thanks." I smiled at her, genuinely considering her offer.

I turned to my mom for approval and she nodded, "I'll take you there later today to fill out an application."

Hellfire Honey ~ Eddie Munson x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora