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I woke back up again around lunch time. Eddie was gone and I could only assume he was in the living room. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes.

His uncle was home, and Eddie could not be heard. For him usually being loud and outgoing, he was quite silent. I could only hear cabinets open and closing from inside the kitchen, with a television tuning out most of the noise.

He quickly opened the door to his bedroom and came inside before I had a chance to get out of his bed.

"Good morning sunshine." He smiled in a sarcastic tone, "Glad to see you're finally up."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "good morning to you too." I stretched and let out a groan, "what happened last night?"

"Last night...I don't know. We got high, I think?" He shrugged, "well, my uncles here. I'd love to have you stay here with me, but, I'm not sure if you should."

"What makes you say that?"

"My uncle he's..." he swirled his pointer fingers around his ears, signaling that his Uncle was a little crazy.

"Got it. I'll go then", I started towards the door.

"Wait...before you go.", he grabbed me and gave me a kiss on my hand.

I couldn't help but blush,"Bye, Munson."

"See you around, Wheeler."


I arrived at my house, Mike was outside with Dustin, grabbing their bikes.

"Good morning to you, how'd it go with Eddie?", Dustin immediately ran up to me as soon as I stepped out of the car.

"It was good. We just talked and...stuff."

Mike dropped his bike and ran over, "Mom is furious with you, Tammy. Be warned, one step inside the house and you will face the wrath of mom's anger."

"Did she know where I went?"


"Good. It'll stay that way. I was at Chrissy's house." I winked at my brother, but he didn't get it. He just looked at me like I had ten heads.


And with that, I slowly stepped inside my house to see my mom standing at the kitchen counter, watching the clock.

"Where were you, young lady!" She reprimanded me, "I was worried sick!"

"I'm sorry. I was at Chrissy's house. I told Mike, I figured he would have told you. It won't happen again."

"It better not! You're grounded. For 2 weeks. No leaving the house other than school hours. That means no cheer."

"What? No cheer? You can't do that?"

"I am your mother! I can do that!"

"So you're basically going to put me on house arrest?!"

"Go to your room, I can't deal with you right now."

I let out a loud groaned and stomped upstairs, slamming my bedroom door shut.

I grabbed my walkie and went to talk to Dustin.

"Mom grounded me", I frowned.

"You blew it. You had one job."


"We told you to get us in with Eddie."

Hellfire Honey ~ Eddie Munson x OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt