Chapter Fourteen

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        “Hurry up Emy, you’re going to be late.”

        “Let me worry about that,” Emily called from the other side of the door.

        “I would, but you don’t seem to care that you’re going to be late for one of the biggest moments of your life.”

        Emily rolled her eyes even though her friend couldn’t see it. “It’s not like I’m getting married Ally.”

        “Not yet. What if this is the day that fate has chosen to decide whether or not you guys are meant to be together, do you really want to risk being late?”

        Emily chuckled. “Not that I believe that but okay, I’m done.” She slowly opened the door.

        Allison was waiting with all the excitement of a proud mother and when her friend emerged she raised her hands to her face. “They grow up so fast,” she teased.

        Emily playfully nudged her friend. “So do I look okay?” She asked after a minute.

        “You look amazing Emily, seriously.”

        Emily smiled. “Really?” It was sad, she knew, but it was the first time she’d ever worn a dress other than a summer dress.

        “Have you seen yourself?” Allison asked sarcastically.

        “Um…no…” Her friend answered sheepishly.

        Allison exploded. “Get in front of the mirror now young lady!”

        Emily grinned and did as she was told, and stood face to face with a girl he didn’t recognize. The girl in the mirror was glowing, wearing a beautiful pink gown with a thin layer of sheer black lace covering it, making the pink seem less prominent. Her make-up was simple, but seemed to accentuate her face perfectly, highlighting everything that should pop out and hiding anything that shouldn’t. Her normally straight hair fell in elegant waves upon her shoulders; she was perfect.  “Wow,” she breathed, still shocked.

        Allison smiled; glad to see her friend so happy. “So, are you ready to go?”

Emily nodded and they headed out to the car. Mick had gotten sucked into setting up, meaning he had to be there early, so Allison had volunteered to give her a ride.

        As they pulled up to the school Emily tried to pretend like her stomach wasn’t trying to pull away from the rest of her body. Allison must have sensed her friend’s worry because as she stopped the car she said, “This is gonna be the night of your life Emy.”

        Emily took a deep breath and headed into the unfamiliar building, repeating her friend’s words as she followed the signs to what used to be the gymnasium. She had no idea what the room had looked before but she was still blown away by the transformation. The walls were littered with pink and read hearts, balloons were tied to basketball hoops, the floor was littered in paper flower petals. There were couples dancing across the floor, the guys wearing nice suits and the girls flowing dresses, except for a few rebels who showed up in regular everyday attire. In the far corner there was a table covered in food, all with a Valentine’s Day theme; punch in heart covered cups, brownies and cookies with heart candies baked inside, various candies in pinks reds and whites.

        She turned around and there he was, wearing and black suit and sporting a dozen roses. “Happy late Valentine’s Day, you look beautiful,” Mick told her, and as she accepted her gift he gently kissed her cheek.

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