Keeping You: Chapter 5

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A/N: The fifth and final chapter is here! ^^ Kinda makes me sad that it's done but at the same time I'm uber relieved. x_x I'm creatively exhausted. This chapter is a blood fest. Particularly in the beginning. It contains bloodshed, Reggie's transformation from human to Decepticon (though her optics are green; the one thing she will have to remind her of her previous humanity), and some fluffy relief to wrap it up! 

This chapter took up the last part of my Optimus notebook! Five chapters took up 160 pages of notebook paper... and I'm totally too lazy to go back and count how many pages 5 took. x_x This chapter was oddly easy to start and write, but had an even easier flow. Much like chapter 1. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 were the challenges. As always, if it wasn't for beeroxs-98's help and beta, then this would not have been possible! 

Also, as always, all errors and such are the fault of the Decepticons, Barricade in particular this time around. Curse him and his apparent need for sneaking up on me and turning on his sirens abruptly! -.- Scares me to death!

Barricade: You love it!

Kay: Do not!

Barricade: Do too!

Kay: You're annoying.

Barricade: You love me for it.

Kay: ... *sigh* I guess I do...

Barricade: Ha! I knew it!

Kay: -.- *shoves Cade into her closet*

Ahem! At long last, I give you the fifth -AND FINAL- chapter of Keeping You!

Warnings: This chapter is the reason I have this rated between Teen and Mature, aside from Soundwave and his weakness for touching Regina, language use, and what not. XD Two words can describe this chapter: BLOOD BATH.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Transformers! x_x God knows that if I did, they'd be REAL instead of a figment of my imagination. I own Regina, Torque, Frequence, and any twisted plot that differs from the movie (which is just about all of it actually).

~ Regina's POV ~

Regina tightened her grip on Frequence as the angry humans from before swarmed the area, surrounding the three now nervous Decepticons, preventing any way of escaping. She shrank back slightly as a male took a step forward. He stood close to six feet with dark chocolate locks that fell in short waves to his shoulders and judging green eyes. A teasing smirk curled across his full lips.

"Hello, Gina..." he said, taking another step towards her. "Miss me, babe?"

"Joshua..." she whispered, gulping nervously as her grip on her son tightened further. "W-what do you want?"

"I want you back of course." he said, reaching out to touch her cheek.

Regina flinched away from his touch. The sudden movement made Frequence put two and two together; this was obviously a guy from his mother's past. A guy who she definitely didn't want to see again. The Decepticon in training scowled up at the male called Joshua, lifting his foot and kicking him hard in the shin.

"Ow!" Joshua grunted, looking down and realizing who had kicked him. "What's this?"

"Keep your filthy hands off my mama!" growled Frequence, glaring none too friendly at the unwelcome brunette.

Regina quickly pulled Frequence back behind her, her face set in a stony glare. When she had been with the boy who stood in front of her, he was a prick to her. He pressured her -and she refused every time,- insulted her, and even hit her a couple of times. She knew that Joshua was about to hit the ceiling as he looked between Frequence and herself.

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