Keeping You: Chapter 4

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A/N: I was going to make this the final chapter, but considering how long that would make it (it could meet and beat chapter 1) I decided to end it as you see it. This chapter is light family fluff that focuses solely on the -currently- happy family. So considering the traumatic events I have set for the immediate future, I didn't wanna ruin the sweetness of this chapter with it. 

This is another 20 pages of notebook paper at least and will probably make another 8-10 pages in Wordpad; I really don't remember. I don't have Microsoft Word. I fail. -.- I know it takes me a while to get chapters out but it's because I have a job and stuff. I write in my free time at work so yeah; sometimes I get really busy and don't have a chance to write, sometimes I can't concentrate, and sometimes I'm just not feeling it. But I have EVERY intention of finishing this, so please just bear with me! My readers and reviewers ROCK! Thanks so much. You make me wanna continue to write and post stuff! 

^^ So this is next to the last chapter! Chapter 5, as of right now, will MORE THAN LIKELY be the final chapter! Makes me sad to think about it. T_T 

ANYWHO! Errors and what not are the fault of Soundwave himself this time! He got a bit cuddly with this chapter! XD

Soundwave: LIES! I DID NOT!

Kay: Uh huh... and that's why you're snuggling with my stuffed bunny...

Soundwave: Uh...

Kay: EXACTLY! Now be quiet! People are trying to read! Enjoy, my dears! ^^

Warnings: None really. Minor language and some fluff with Reggie and Soundwave later in this chapter. Other than that, it's not that bad.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Transformers! x_x God knows that if I did, they'd be REAL instead of a figment of my imagination. I own Regina, Torque, Frequence, and any twisted plot that differs from the movie (which is just about all of it actually). 

~Soundwave's POV~

It had been a week since the encounter with Megatron and Soundwave did exactly as his boss had ordered. At that moment, he was standing in a corner of the huge medbay room with Frequence, being sure to keep out of the mini med-bot's way while he was doing tests on a currently resting Regina.

Sure, Megatron did officially call off his attempted killing spree of Reggie and Frequence, but that didn't make the Decepticon leader's mood any better. In fact, he'd been pissier than usual. It was like when the boss couldn't kill something that he really wanted to, it put him in a seriously crabby mood. A lot like Regina when she-

"Megatron to Soundwave!" came the con leader's cranky drawl through the comlink.

"Soundwave here..." the Decepticon muttered back, caught off guard by his boss suddenly getting in touch with him; he'd not heard from him in a week.

"Just because you have a mate and sparkling -and I allowed them to stay alive- doesn't mean you can neglect your duties. You better get back to your position tomorrow!" snapped Megatron before he instantly cut the link.

Soundwave sighed through his vents as he checked his internal clock. It was 2:06pm, earth time. He had 16 hours to spend with his family before he had to return to space for a while. Looking around the large room, one of only about a dozen in the Decepticon's medbay, he approached the gigantic berth that Regina dozed upon; his pet was just a speck in the center of it. Shrinking his size again, he sat next to Frequence, who looked to be deep in thought as he stared at his unconscious mother.

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