Golden Dolphin Heist

Start from the beginning

Then the officers move out in different directions

We see webs is in the control room as she gets plugged in

Webs: Mics on. Everyone on comms, do you copy?

All: Copy

Webs: Boys it's dolphin season

Wolf: I'm on it

We then see piranha coming up from a toilet as a waiter walks into the stall as piranha smirks

We then cut to cole as he kicks the table and the scissors fall down as it cuts to the chief walking around with her radio out

Chief: Unit two, is the backstage area still secure?

Officer (Over radio): Unit two backstage all-clear

Chief: This is where all the training pays off

Someone then bumps into the chief as she stumbles it reveals to be wolf

Wolf: Oh, pardon me terribly sorry

Chief: Not a problem sir

Wolf then walks around the corner and shows the readers that he got the key-card

Cole then gets the scissors with his feet and drags them over as he picks them up with his hand as he starts to snip at the rope

Wolf then looks up at a camera showing the key-card to webs

Webs: Wolf is in position piranha you all penguin suited and booted

Piranha: Affirmative I'm a mean clean dolphin stealing machine(to waiters) What's going on guys

Wolf starts pick-pocketing people as he starts to walk downstairs as he sees an old lady's purse filled with lots of expensive goods he tries to reach for it as he grabs the strap but then the lady trips as she almost falls but wolf stopped her since he was holding the strap of her purse he hesitates for a second before pulling her back up on her feet

Wolf: Here let me help you are you okay there man?

Woman: Oh, my gracious, yes I may be dizzy, but I'm alive, thanks to you

Wolf: What are you-

Then the old lady hugs wolf legs as he whimpers

Woman: Thank you dear you're such a good boy

The woman then walks away as wolf stands there for a moment before his tail pops out of his pants and starts to wag as wolf tries to grab it to make it stop

We then see cole break free he tries to stand up as he winces since snake bit him he slowly gets up with his other hand as he grabs some bandages and wraps them around the bite as he runs to the elevator and hits the button once it hits the bottom he runs to his bike and drives off towards the museum 

Wolf then walks into the closet where piranha was slicing some lemons as wolfs fur was a bit poofy

Piranha: All good brotha

Wolf: Ya ya all good

He then shakes his head to get back in the game

Wolf: Webs what do you say about moving on to step four

Webs: Copy that shark you're up

Shark: Do I get to improvise

Webs: Yes fine improvise

Wolf: But please be subtle

Shark: mm-hmm

Then shark spills his drink on the floor as he throws a table

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